Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summit Summer Ale

Summit Summer Ale. No information at all on the 12 ounce bottle's label, just a picture of Minnehaha Falls and the promise of an ale for summer. So, let's check it out.

Clear and yellow, with a small white head.

Floral aromas, light citric nose, without a twang, bright, wide open and pretty.

Taste: Clean entry on the palate, very light in body, with a short finish. Whispers of wheat below the surface, but not much. Smoothness personified, but at what price?
Expertly consumable, and tasty, too. Before too long, along comes a hit of sour, and just the merest kiss of hops.
Next time it's in the 90's, this will go down great, but, so does water. I'm not trying to knock Summer Ale, because it's not aimed at me, but I will miss the Hefe Weizen considerably, if this is it's replacement.

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