Monday, June 25, 2012

Leinenkugel's Honey Weiss

It just dawned on me that I haven't done any of the Leinenkugel's beers outside of the Big Eddy series (and why would I, you might ask), when it dawned on me that I had a bottle nearby, and hey, why not share with you some notes from December, 2003? Sure, why not, and here we go!
If you reside on either coasts, far from the radius of Leinie's distribution, you probably have no idea how hugely popular this beer is, especially up around here. So obiquitous it is, I was once amused to discover a popular gay nightclub in downtown Mineapolis with a sign on the outside, on the main street, declaring "now serving Leinenkugel's Honey Wiess on tap!" Were there really people stopping before entering it's doors and saying," naw, let's skip this gay bar, no Honey Weiss!"
So let's revisit it, already, for the first time in years...

Color, a bright, shiny, utterly transparent bright yellow color, topped with a big, snow-white, fluffy head. Certainly not the "hefe" sort of "Weisen", for there's no haze at all. (It's called a Kristal Weizen on

Aroma: practically none, containing that usual Leinie's stink, sorry. Bit of a pilsner feel to it, but nothing like I'd expect from any wheat beer, certainly showing no traces of the "real Wisconsin honey" boasted of on the label. Appears a bit sweetish after all, though, but I still don't like it a bit.

Taste: flat, ...uneventful, lacking in malt and hops and anything pleasurable, yielding no texture and very little flavor. The honey does seem to peep up a tad, but any association you may conjure from a weizen of any kind does not abide here at all.

Now, tasting it bare naked, I know why so many prefer it with a lemon. And, now that I have one again, I understand how the customers at my bar felt when I offered them a real weizen instead, and they didn't like them at all. They don't like real weizens, and they probably don't really like beer at all.
This is so carbonated, yet flat in flavor, it's more like a soda pop, than an actual beer. Drinkability might be considered high, if the flavor and mouthfeel weren't so abysmal.
Rotten, really, but girls think it's tops. And girly guys.
Gets sour as it ends. Yuk.
Skip this, let my the sacrifice of my tastebuds not be in vain.

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