Thursday, June 28, 2012

Magic Hat Elder Betty Weiss

Magic Hat Elder Betty, Elderberry Weiss. 3/4 pint of ale with natural flavor. Magic Hat Brewing Company, South Burlington, Vermont. 5.5% ALC./Vol. A Golden Haze for Summer's Daze.

Highly hazed, golden/amber hue, slim white head.

Sweet fruit notes hit first, then slightly tart. With wheat wonders below. Trifle spicy.

Taste: there it is again, a sweet fruit hit, then a sour twang, and the smooth wheat texture. Remarkably drinkable, if you enjoy this particular fruit.
And I want to  call it complex, but it doesn't have much going on after the wheat and the fruit and the sour.
Mild carbonation, tasty malt and yeast, tidy hops. Nice, but…not something I'll reach for again and again.

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