Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Corona Premier

Corona Premier. Brewed and bottled by Cerveceria Modelo Mexico. 4.1 % ABV. 7 IBU.

I was told that this is lighter than Corona Light. Well, that sealed the deal. Give me a bottle, please!

(Perhaps I'm taking a facetious tone. I might need to remind some of my goal to try all types and styles, brands and trends. I don't want to pay for every one of them, so if a sample comes my way, it will find a spot here in the Nib.)

Clear, pale golden hue, not a head to speak of.

In the nose: Sad, sick, disappointing. Vegetal. Mineral. Dull and dead. Nobody's wafting the aroma about, though.

In the mouth: Wet. Light. Containing no flavor at all. Slightly alcoholic water and nothing but. No joy, no thrill, nothing. Slight cereal/malt, maybe. Grainy, gritty, but ...blah. "Higher expectations"? What the Hell are they talking about? Is this some Bizarro world, where nothing is something? Gimme a break!




Lower carbs. Lower calories. Higher expectations.

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