Saturday, March 30, 2019

Wild Mind Oolong Kvass

Wild Mind Oolong Kvass. 2.6 % ABV. No IBU. Wild Mind Artisan Ales, Minneapolis, MN.

Clear, pale golden color, no head to speak of.

In the nose: Tart from the start. A little funky. Slightly spicy.

In the mouth: Crisp and highly carbonated. Lean and clean. I'm picking up the tea and the honey. Quite delicate, with a refreshing tartness to it. It's an adequate ale and drinking is quite possible.

I'll admit that I bought this because it was at a low, low price. (Two bucks!) Lacks the things I look for in a beer, like ABV, IBU, malt body, that sort of stuff. But, I don't begrudge it's existence.

Our second kvass was brewed with 60 loaves of 46th Street Levain from Patisserie 46, a South Minneapolis Bakery. We also added some pilsner malt to round out the body, honey, and oolong tea. The kvass was fermented using a sourdough starter from Patisserie 46, resulting in slow, steady fermentation that yielded a lightly tart, crisp kvass. The beer was then bottle- and keg-conditioned with champagne yeast to enhance the beer's light, lively character. 

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