Monday, March 18, 2019

Unmapped Primetime Porter

Unmapped Primetime Porter. 7% ABV. 31 IBU. Unmapped Brewing, Minnetonka, MN.

Utter blackness, thoroughly opaque, with a rich tan head above, leaving lace.

In the nose: Sweet, creamy, malty. Cocoa and molasses. Rather nice.

In the mouth: Smooth, malty, big-time chocolate-y. Medium-bodied. Exquisitely drinkable. Dry in the finish. A touch of roasty malt. Sweetness stays on top, perfectly balanced. Tasty stuff.

Another winner from Unmapped. Keep 'em coming.

You might not know it, but we spent more time on planning Primetime Porter than any other beer we've ever brewed...that's because Math is hard! We channeled our collective inner (and outer) nerd and made sure that every. single. input. of this beer was a prime number. From the 61 minute boil to the 31 IBU calculation to the actual day of the month it was brewed (the 19th), this beer is chock full of prime numbers and prime flavors! Medium-bodied with chocolate and mild roasted malt notes, math has never been more fun (and delicious)!

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