Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Schell's Fresh Hop Mosaic Pilsner

Schell's Mosaic Pilsner, Fresh Hop, August Schell Brewing, New Ulm, MN.

Appearance: Clear, bright, golden, big, blooming snow-white head, leaving a little lace.

Aroma: Mosaic. What are you, man? Everybody's using you like you're the new hot hop. What are you giving us, what are you bringing to the table, what do you add? It spills out bitter, it busts out sweet, and it gives forth a mind-boggling melange of fruity esters. Maybe Mosaic is an appropriate appellation for this hop, because I can't find one single thing to pin on it. Blend of tropical and citrus.

Taste: Nice fresh bite of hops at the forefront, then all is smooth and easy. There's a little wheat-y texture in the body, some malty sweetness takes over the flavor, and great balance is the end result.

Hey, they have some gobbledygook on the label. " Schell's Fresh Hop Pilsner is made with freshly harvested hops. They are quickly shipped and put in the kettle, preserving their aromatic oils and resins. Contains wheat."

This is pretty tasty stuff, and drinkable as heck. Mmmm. Man, can you drink this one!

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