Monday, January 31, 2022

BlackStack After Careful Consideration DDH IPA

BlackStack After Careful Consideration DDH IPA.

7.5 % ABV, BlackStack Brewing, St. Paul, MN. 

To the eye: Bright golden, nearly orange, large white head, impenetrable haze. A guy was asking at the store about hazies, and I said he needed to check out Local 755. "Are you sure?" he asked me, "it doesn't say on the label." They never do, I told him, and they always are. 

In the nose: Big citrus, with tropical on the side. Orange and pineapple aplenty. 

In the mouth:  Sweetness at the fore, not a trace of bitter. Lots of hoppiness, and plenty of mush. Bright and tasty, though. Nearly chewy, this. Lots of protein. Probably some fiber, too. 

I run out of words with these, sometimes. They all taste pretty much the same, and give me precious little joy. It's a whole thing, though, a lifestyle, a philosophy, an ethos, if you will. And it's not for me. 

Things happen fast around these parts. Sometimes you get time to ponder on it. Sometimes you just gotta go for it. Thoughtful additions of Azacca Cryo, Citra, Cashmere, Idaho 7 & NZ Motueka. Do what feels right. 

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