Thursday, January 27, 2022

Surly Midnight Manhattan Darkness Russian Imperial Stout

Surly Midnight Manhattan Darkness Russian Imperial Stout.

12 % ABV, Surly Brewing, Twin Cities, MN. 

There were three Darkness variants this year. I have chosen to review two of them. I tried one of the least popular ones, the Blueberry Crumble, at an event late last month, and it confirmed my decision not to spend $14 on a 16 ounce can I'm not going to like. I regret spending the $8 plus tax on the 10 ounce pour, as it was. (what were they thinking? Lemon shouldn't be any anywhere near an RIS.)

This one seems more promising. Rye Barrel Aged Russian Imperial Stout with Cherries and Orange Peel added. I remember tasting one of the first Darkness variants at a festival, and it was Manhattan-based. So, let's crack the can and see how it is. 

To the eye: It is dark as dark gets (hence the name), complete opacity, rich, if slim, brown head rings above.

In the nose: Roasted malt, bitter and sweet, well balanced, with cherries slowly emerging. Next comes the orange peel. I see how they are trying to emulate the Manhattan, but is that possible with an Imperial Stout? Most bourbons and whiskeys do not have the actual character of an Imperial Stout. It's asking too much. I am not one to complain that the true character of Darkness is still here. Now, let us drink. 

In the mouth: Rich, sweet, sightly fruity. Chocolate and citrus share top billing, with cherries popping in for a cameo. They keep on playing on the palate, doing a duet fandango on the tongue. Bitterness remains high (for an Imperial Stout), everything is kept in check. Very rich, very full, and full of Russian Imperial delights.

Inspired by the classic cocktail, our legendary Russian imperial stout gets aged on cherries and orange peels in bourbon barrels. First we drink Manhattan. Then we drink again.

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