Friday, January 29, 2021

Arbeiter Wee-Kust Session IPA

Arbeiter Wee-Kust Session IPA.

5.5 % ABV, Arbeiter Brewing, Minneapolis, MN. 

Clear, bright golden color, slim white head (though starting large and lush).

In the nose: Fruity, hoppy. Plenty of citrus. Stone fruit. A bit of the tropical. Lushly aromatic. highly likable. 

In the mouth: Light bodied, smooth and tasty. Moderate bitterness clings to the palate, spreads delight. More bright citrus in the flavor, apricot and grapefruit, bitterness continues throughout. Easy-drinking, especially quenchable, and replete with delightful flavors. I'm really liking this one. An excellent sessional ale (although 5.5 % technically breaches the limit for that style). It's a good session IPA, and you can drink it. Another hit from Arbeiter. 

Only one left from the seven crowlers I bought at the brewery three weeks ago. But, I've got an urge to go check them out again, now that we can enjoy beers in the taproom (though not at the bar, just yet). Maybe, maybe...

West Coast meets Hallertau (hop growing region in Germany)! Wee Küst finds its way as an American Session IPA by enlisting a full array of German-sourced hops and malts.

The first of our “Bavarican” beer series, Wee-Küst achieves an American pale ale flavor profile by enlisting a full array of German-sourced ingredients. The blend of German-grown hop varieties employed provides a unique but familiar flavor profile that includes citrus, resinous, grassy, and some fresh herbal notes; not unlike what would be found in a traditionally made American pale ale.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Lupulin DDH Blissful Ignorance Double Dry-hopped Double India Pale Ale

Lupulin DDH Blissful Ignorance Double Dry-hopped Double India Pale Ale.

9% ABV, 70 IBU. Lupulin Brewing, Big Lake, MN. 

Thoroughly hazified. Murky orange-ish hue. Thin slice of ivory foam atop. 

In the nose: Bright, bold happiness, citrus, pine, and such. Accompanied by the yeasty fuzzy stuff. 

In the mouth: Intense bitterness. Bright and beautiful. Does a whammy on the palate. The fruits are on full display, dazzling citrus, some tropical, brief piney-ness. Medium bodied, long, hoppy finish, with the shadow of increasing alcohol coming on. Silky smooth, tasty as heck, hoppy as hell. Utterly enjoyable, and just about delicious. 

As if the madness of our Blissful Ignorance Double IPA was not enough, we roundhouse-kicked it in the face, again, cranking the hop loudness to 11, again!

It's the same 9% ABV Bliss you know and love with a new twist for 2021! This time we hit it with Kohato and Galaxy, for extra pineapple, passionfruit, and citrus flavors. Here at Lupulin, we can't decide if we are geniuses, or idiots. What if we are both? Or neither? Take a sip and decide for yourself. 

Central Waters Fat Elvis Imperial Stout

 Central Waters Fat Elvis Imperial Stout.

10.6 % ABV, 30 IBU, Central Waters Brewing, Amherst, WI. 

Sublimely stygian, utterly opaque, large, looming cocoa-toned head. 

In the nose: spews out chocolatey goodness, cocoa powder galore. Espresso tinges. Slight smoke. Caramel. Honest to goodness goodness. 

In the mouth: Mmm. rich, sweet, indulgent. Deep, chocolatey, coffee-ish, dark and decadent. Luxurious. Lovable. Sweet, succulent, coated in cocoa. Alcohol rises, assuredly. Big and smooth. Bottomless riches. Indulgence in extremis. 

This Imperial Stout is robust yet retains an amazing ability to be so smooth it could be called Velvet Elvis. Dripping with chocolate and caramel with enough roast and and hop bitterness to balance itself, this beer is dangerously drinkable.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Jack Pine Blood Orange Cream Ale


Jack Pine Blood Orange Cream Ale.w

4.6 % ABV, 20 IBU. Jack Pine Brewery, Baxter, MN. 

Clear, slightly orange/reddish tint, slim head that disappears quickly. 

In the nose: lightly tart and citric, blood orange is all over this. 

In the mouth: Splash of tart and bitter, then the fruit takes over. Juicy, tasty, expertly drinkable, light bodied. I'm used to blood orange in an IPA, and a few other styles, but never a cream ale. The smooth, malty, light character is just below, barely revealing itself, but it's mainly a delivery vehicle for the blood orange flavor. I'm typing as fast as I can to get the notes down before it's all drunk up. Smooth, with a faint finish. Tasty enough, though. I don't mind it. 

Our ever-popular Dead Branch Cream Ale gets a citrus infusion in this winter seasonal. Vibrant blood orange greets the nose with hints of citrus and raspberry. A rich blend of bitter and sweet meld together on the tongue in this deliciously drinkable brew. Reach for a Blood Orange Dead Branch when you need a reminder of summer in the depths of winter.

Sixpoint Hootie Hazy IPA

 Sixpoint Hootie Hazy IPA.

6.2 % ABV, 5 IBU. Sixpoint Brewing, Brooklyn, NYC, NY. 

Hazy, bright orange hue, lasting milky white head. 

In the nose: Citrus and pine, all wrapped up in fuzz. Lively, enticing. 

In the mouth: Juicy/fruity, with just a splash of bitterness. Low bitterness, high citrus, ending on a dry note. Easy drinking, light/medium bodied. Perfectly adequate. 

If you like 'em fuzzy and without a hop bite, go ahead and get it. I won't stop you. 

Let your instincts take over. Channel your inner beast. When our brewmaster pulls a fresh beer off the canning line he brings everyone close to crack it open and inhale the instantaneous aroma explosion. It’s ritualistic. This sort of obsession led to vision quests in Pacific Northwest hop fields, not to mention years of maniacal recipe modification on a small scale. Embrace your inner HOOTIE and fly silently into the night!

Features Direct-sourced Idaho 7, El Dorado, and Amarillo hops, along with Galaxy hops from Australia

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Two Roads Holiday Ale Biére de Noel

 Two Roads Holiday Ale Biére de Noel.

7.3 % ABV. Two Roads Brewing, Stratford, CT. 

I know what you're saying. You're saying, Al, what's up, Christmas was a month ago, why are you drinking this now? How to explain this? Okay, these cans came into my possession shortly before the holiday, and I enjoyed can #1, stashed the second away for another day and the note-taking. And that day become today because I am a terrible procrastinator. I've definitely done worse. You don't want to know. Believe me.

I didn't purchase any before that day that they became mine because there are so many new beers coming out around the holiday season, it's impossible to get them all. Some fall by the wayside, and, actually, holiday-themed beers aren't my top priority. I like 'em, just don't live for them. 

But every good holiday ale can be enjoyed anytime, and why not now, with snow piled up and temps in the teens. (At least we haven't dipped below zero yet. Fingers crossed.) We're not out of this for a long while. Brrr...

Clear, auburn hue, slim whitish head. 

In the nose: Deep, dark fruit, and slight spice. Figs and berries. Mostly malty. 

In the mouth: More spices grace the palate along with waves of malt. Moderately hopped. Some small sweetness. Like mulled fruit with spices. Definitely delicious. I'm liking this one. I'd drink it anytime of year. 

Beaver Island Tip Up Winter Ale

Beaver Island Tip Up Winter Ale. "Dam. Fine. Beer"

7.5 % ABV, 33 IBU. Beaver Island Brewing, St. Cloud, MN. 

Clear, mahogany hue, slim off-white head. 

In the nose: Malty. Slight spice. Spruce. Whiffs of dark fruit, berries. 

In the mouth: Mmm. It all comes together. Beautiful blend of spruce tips, hops, rich smoked malt. Medium bodied, highly flavorful, and fairly easy drinking for such a complex arrangement. So many flavors are at play on the palate that one is forced to take it slow and luxuriate, savoring the feeling, letting it flow. Spruce is bouncing well off the hops, and the malt holds it all in place, delivering warm feels to hold us through the cold. Quite likable. Go get yourself some. 

Our Tip-Up winter ale is brewed with a touch of smoked German beechwood malt, the first locally grown and pelletized hops, and a late kettle addition of young spruce tips. Our hope is to encompass the joys of MN winters; a warming fire, the scent of conifers, and a satisfying day on the lake waiting for the big one to hit our line.  

Monday, January 25, 2021

Waldmann Lichtenhainer Sour Smoked Ale

 Waldmann Lichtenhainer Sour Smoked Ale.

4.6 % ABV, Waldmann Brewery, St. Paul, MN. 

An unusual look to this one. Clear, dark, smokey amber hue, off-white head that drifts down quickly. 

In the nose: soft, sweet, with the smoke assuredly wafting in, and the sour coming in at the back. 

In the mouth: Starts out fruity and sweet, soft on the palate, light bodied. Smoke comes on slowly, sour is minor. Everything is in moderation here, which is fully in the German style. Nothing is too anything. Easy-drinking, and full of character. 

I may be disappointed that this isn't bolder or fuller, but who am to say that it isn't exactly what it's supposed to be? I've only had one other beer in this style, brewed by Fair State, and it tasted pretty much the same, if remember way back to 3 or 4 years ago. (It was just re-released, so maybe I should get over there and check it out again.)

Sour Smoked Ale - Brewed for centuries near Jena in the Thuringia region of northeastern Germany, this pale, unfiltered beer is brewed with both wheat and barley malts, including a touch of floor malted beechwood smoked barley. The use of 10% acidulated malt gives the beer a weakly sour taste. The style disappeared completely late in the last century and is still very rare in the US. A low ABV combined with a slightly smoky and tart flavor makes this the rarest breed of session beers.

Arbeiter Breaking Bread Pumpernickel Rye Ale

Arbeiter Breaking Bread Pumpernickel Rye Ale. 

"Brewed with a conscience to be consumed by people who have one too. Enjoy, good buddy."

5.6 % ABV. 17 IBU. Arbeiter Brewing, Minneapolis, MN.

Clear, auburn-hued, creamy, tannish head, lasting long. 

In the nose: light hops, spicy rye malt, caramel character. 

In the mouth:  Mmm. Likable, right off the bat. Caramel & rye malt character comes spilling out on the palate, with a touch of cocoa on the side. Rich and ready. Moderate hops, delectable malt. Medium bodied, clean, smooth, and exceptionally flavorful. Toasty, tasty, brimming with delights. 

This is crowler #5 of the 7 I bought nearly two weeks ago. It's my favorite so far. 

A pumpernickel bread beer with German ale yeast originating from Düsseldorf  with a generous amount of rye malt. Molasses and dark brown sugar were added to make a uniquely tasty beer.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Broken Clock Home Improvement Double IPA

Broken Clock Home Improvement Double IPA.

8.5% ABV, Broken Clock Brewing Collective, Minneapolis, MN.

Slightly clouded, dark crimson hue, large white head. 

In the nose: sweetness & fruit. Happiness, but low bitterness. A cornucopia of fruity sensations, but playing it rather cool, nonetheless. 

In the mouth: Cool, calm, slightly bitter, slightly sweet. Big fruit, bold and hoppy. Juicy to an extreme. As a double IPA, I like the boldness. Big time juicy/fruity. Rich, redolent, lush, delicious. Rich and malty, yet rich and hoppy. I like that combo. I like it a lot. 

Ever so tasty. Full of the citrus, the full-on fruit, the dank, and the resinous. All the goodies. The dankest. And I can dig it. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Odell Hazer Tag Hazy IPA

 Odell Hazer Tag Hazy IPA.

6% ABV, 30 IBU. Odell Brewing, Fort Collins, CO. 

I've been doing sampler packs again lately. It's a good way to stretch the dollars. I end up with a few new beers for the blog, and usually the rest are beers I'll also enjoy. It's good to have something inexpensive to just crack open when you get home. I got the winter sampler from Odell for about $17. That averages out to about $1.43 apiece. And I'd much rather get 12 bottles or cans for $17 than 4 of them. I'm holding fast on my boycott on the $16+ 4-pack. There are a lot of other beers out there, they don't all have to be DDH TIPAs. 

So, this pack came with 4 IPAs, which I always enjoy, and 4 Isolation Ales, maybe like that one a little less, and 4 of this "exclusive release", 3 of which have passed down my gullet with aplomb. Let's take a closer look at this last one. 

It's hazy, all right, golden hued, slim white head. 

In the nose: Big citrus smells, orange and grapefruit, lemon peel, with tropical tones coming on. Passionfruit/guava. 

In the mouth: Brief hoppy bite, a brief bit of bitterness, than more a sweet, fruity character takes over. Bitterness may be small, but it stays in control and sticks around. Medium bodied, easy drinking, very flavorful and mellow. Tasty stuff. 

Game-changing haziness awaits in the galactic arena of happiness. Experience the rush that comes with the heart-pounding excitement of IPA innovation. Passion fruit and citrus notes engulf the palate in a dynamo of hazy hop goodness. Draw your phaser and see how you measure up in our latest game of Hazer Tag. 

I have a love/hate relationship with the above verbiage. Why am I not getting paid to make up that kind of stuff? It's just not fair. 

Junkyard The Art of Selection IPA

Junkyard The Art of Selection IPA.

7.5 % ABV. Junkyard Brewing, Moorhead, MN. 

All hazy-like. Bright yellow. Lush, lace-leaving ivory head. 

In the nose: Tropical explosion. Citrus on the side. Very nice.

In the mouth: First off, the hazy/fuzzy/yeasty sensation that floods the mouth from the start. Then, the hops begin to shine, pineapple pops out, surrounded by citrus. "Coconut, peach,  & berries?" Not so much. Maybe a little, if you stretch it out. But nonetheless, it's a tasty treat. Bright and juicy. Yum a dum-dummy. 

The Art of Selection is a New England Style IPA with a killer hop bill. Hopped at six pounds per barrel with Mosaic, Citra, Sabro, Strata, El Dorado and Enigma, this IPA is complex and intriguing. Aromas of coconut, red berries and peach jump out of the glass, followed by tropical flavors of pineapple and citrus. We’re proud of this work of art and can’t wait for you to try it.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Toppling Goliath Double Dry Hop King Sue Double IPA

 Toppling Goliath Double Dry Hop King Sue Double IPA.

7.8 % ABV, 50 IBU. Toppling Goliath Brewery, Decorah, IA. 

Hazy as all get out, deep golden/orange, slimmish white head. 

In the nose: Citrus bomb, all lemon and grapefruit and orange. 

In the mouth: Bold, bright, juicy, and hoppy as all get-out. Citra spills out all the place. Shiny and slightly sharp, before the alcohol enters. Tropical touches make the scene, pineapple and passionfruit to add to the lemon zest and grapefruit peel. Dank and delicious. 

Yum a dum dum.

Citra hops give King Sue its bold flavors of mango, orange, and pineapple. This double dry-hopped version packs even more flavor into each bottle.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Drekker The Nightman Cometh Bourbon Barrel-aged Imperial Stout

Drekker The Nightman Cometh Bourbon Barrel-aged Imperial Stout.

9.5% ABV, Drekker Brewing, Fargo, ND.

Full ebon, complete opacity, slim brown head. 

In the nose: Molasses, charcoal, dark fruit, deep malt, chocolate, coffee, vanilla and cherries, oak and whiskey. All the usual suspects are in full attendance. 

In the mouth: Sweetness, chocolate, espresso, all the deep, dark goodness. Decadence. Richness. Full bodied to the fullest extent. A whiff of smoke, a dip into molasses and treacle and all the dark fruits and a touch of anise, on the side. Woo. Boom. Boom, boom, boom, boom. 

Coming in at 9.5% ABV, this Russian Imperial Stout is intense and complex while staying amazingly smooth and approachable. Begins with the aromas of molasses and raisins and evolving flavors of toffee, chocolate and prune. Finishing slightly dry and acidic, with hints of star anise and the lingering notes of dark roasted malts.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Sisyphus Limited Resource DDH NE IPA

Sisyphus Limited Resource DDH NE IPA.

7.4 % ABV. Sisyphus Brewing, Minneapolis, MN. 

All hazed out. Bright orange hue. Large, pillowy white head. 

In the nose: Slight sweetness, minor bitterness. Waves of citrus. 

In the mouth: On the palate, a duet of sweet and bitter. Citrus fruit associations grab the tongue and smoothly glide away. Tropical notes take their turn, too, a blast of guava, passionfruit, et al. Fair amount of that yeasty fuzziness typical of the NE style takes over the character of the brew, but all in all it's a well-balanced, juicy NE-style IPA that I'm liking. 

Could use more bitterness for my taste, but that's what I always say. And that wouldn't make it a good NE IPA, now, would it? 

That crowler will be crushed in no time, I guarantee it. 

Ayinger Jahrhundert Bier

Ayinger Jahrhundert Bier. Dortmunder/Export Lager. 

5.5 % ABV, 22 IBU, Privatbrauwerei Ayinger, Aying, Bayern, Deutschland. 

And here we have a beer that I'd never heard of (although it's been brewed for 42 years) until we received some at the retail store where I now work. It's been a rapid seller since we stocked it, and I had to check it out and find out why. Another reason is that I have to try them all. After this one, there are still two other Ayinger beers we stock that have yet to find their way here in the Nib. Before I begin, I think I already know the reason I have to keep restocking this one: people like a good Dortmunder lager. 

Jahrhundert = year hundred, celebrating the brewery's centennial back in 1978. 

Clear, bright golden hue, large, lusty white head. 

In the nose: moderately hoppy, spilling out much malt in the aroma, classic dortmunder nose, slightly floral, clean and crisp. 

In the mouth: More crisp and clean, light and lovely. Slight sweetness, ultimately ending dry. Expertly consumable, quenching, and tasty. Malty flavors all the way through. Refreshing and delicious. 

This beer was first brewed in 1978 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our brewery. It has a golden-yellow color with a slightly flowery yeast, honey-ish aroma, tastes a little spicy and is full-bodied in initial taste, mild before swallowing and soft with a refined sparkle and fades with a well-balanced hint of bitterness. It is an especially drinkable and harmonious beer. Conrad Seidl, known as the Austrian “Pope of Beers”, on the Jahrhundert Bier: “It is a malty beer that pronounces the precious earthy quality of malted barley.” 

Oliphant Bourbon Barrel-aged Super Squishy

Oliphant Bourbon Barrel-aged Super Squishy.

5.5 % ABV, Oliphant Brewing, Somerset, WI.

Deeply reddish appearance, largely opaque, sizable pinkish layer of foam on top. 

In the nose: Super Squishy is in full attendance, here, the berries, the coconut, the lactose, doing their thing. I'm not getting much else, though. 

In the mouth: Now, we're getting some barrel action. A little. But, the fruited sour that is Super Squishy is still in charge. And, ...I'm waiting. Waiting. Where's the bourbon barrel? I'm not getting anything, really. Maybe, very minor. Maybe this needed to stay in the barrel longer? 

I have to admit to feeling a little cheated. This was a $7 12 ounce can. And I'm not tasting anything like bourbon. Not really. Not enough. 

Arbeiter Winterzeit Festbier

 Arbeiter Winterzeit Festbier.

4.5 %, 22 IBU. Arbeiter Brewing, Minneapolis, MN. 

And now we have crowler #4 from the seven that I bought at Arbeiter two weeks ago. (What, it takes you two weeks to drink four crowlers, I hear you say. Fret not, friends, there are certain reasons and rules for the order that I drink my beers. Don't worry about it.) It's not often that I buy seven crowlers at once, but also it is rare that I have entered a new brewery and was not able to drink a pint within. A week later, restrictions had been lifted and we can once again drink and eat inside a bar, restaurant or taproom, although in Minneapolis we still cannot sit at a bar, merely take the beers to a table. I have only been to one taproom since, and it was Sisyphus, last Friday.  I will make it back to Arbeiter again soon, but probably not until I have finished all of these crowlers. (And that will take some time, due to the arcane rules that I have set for myself.)

So, on with the beer: 

Clear, bright golden/amber color, slim white head. 

In the nose: crisp, clean, noble hops at play in a field of mild malt. Right on target. 

In the mouth: More crisp, more clean, and exceptionally malty. Outright tasty. Brisk hop attack, quickly turning to the malty side. Refreshing to a t. Classic festbier style. I can see this a definitive people pleaser. I even want to call guessed it...yum a dum dum. 

WinterZeit, Festbier

ABV 4.5% | 22 IBU

Our golden lager, WinterZeit, is here to keep you warm (or at least warm inside). A pale German-style lager has a bright malt backbone, floral hops, and crisp finish.

Our golden lager stands tall on a blended base of bright German Pilsener and bready German Munich malts. Delicately balanced spicy and floral hop notes come from a new German hop, Aurum, which means gold in German. Not to be confused with amber lagers in the style of Märzen/Oktoberfest, Festbier is a pale German-style lager with great, long-lasting white head, moderately full body, and dry finish. It shares traits similar to Helles and Maibock.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Junkyard Gone Hollywood West Coast style IPA

Junkyard Gone Hollywood West Coast style IPA. With Simcoe, Amarillo and Citra. 

6.9 % ABV. Junkyard Brewing, Moorhead, MN.

Lightly hazed. Not completely clear. They just couldn't do it. Tried, though. Give 'em credit for that. Bright golden hue, short white head. 

In the nose: Big-time citrus and pine. Lemon/lime, orange, grapefruit. Dank.

In the mouth: Great blast of bitterness at the top, nice and juicy, turning dry in a quickness. Crisp, clean, bold and hoppy. Medium bodied, easy-drinking, for the hopheads, of course. All others, need not apply. 

Big, bold, beautiful happiness. This, I love. Yum a dum dum. It delivers all the goods you want in a West Coast IPA, the kind I love. Keep em coming, Junkyard, don't stop here. 

This Oscarworthy IPA is brewed with an all-star cast of hops. In the whirlpool we added Falconer's Flight, Citra, Denali, El Dorado and Strata. Then we dry hopped this West Coaster with more Falconer's Flight, Cryo Ekuanot, and Strata. Le's get to it, annnnd ACTION!

I'm not sure why the references for the West Coast style interpretations always go for Hollywood / L.A. San Diego is home to that style. Why not make a reference to that? (Footnote: this beer came right after the release of BlackStack’s West Coast IPA, Tinseltown.)

Urban Growler De-Lovely Porter

Urban Growler De-Lovely Porter.

5.6 % ABV. 33 IBU. Urban Growler Brewing, St. Paul, MN. 

Here we have a beer I checked into on Untappd three times in 2016, twice on tap at Acadia from a keg I ordered and tapped, and once when I visited the taproom with my two nieces (to be clear, I have more than two nieces, but I only went there with two of them). But I haven't had it since, for whatever reason, most likely that an IPA or pale ale was calling me. I found a single can finally, and it was settled. Time to drink some De-Lovely, a name inspired by a song from that famous Porter, Cole. 

Dark brown coloring, almost opaque, slim brownish head. 

In the nose: Slight sweetness, notes of caramel, cocoa, nuts. Delightful. 

In the mouth: Bittersweet at the front, roast and slightly toasty. Moderate bitterness, well balanced all around. Cocoa and caramel notes dance on the palate. Medium bodied, smooth, satisfying. Delicious. And, of course, D'lovely. 

I like this porter. And I can't explain why I waited four years to revisit it and enter it into the Nib. Going to try not to make that mistake in the future. 

It’s delightful, it’s delicious, it’s De-Lovely. Smooth and dark yet refreshing. You don’t have to wait until the snow falls to enjoy this dark beauty. Enjoy. Try it with some of our Spinach & Artichoke dip

Monday, January 18, 2021

Beaver Island Peanut Butter Sweet Miss Oatmeal Stout

Beaver Island Peanut Butter Sweet Miss Oatmeal Stout.

6.5 % ABV, 28 IBU. Beaver Island Brewing, St, Cloud, MN. 

Strictly black, thoroughly opaque, large, roasted brown head on top. 

In the nose: cocoa hits the nose first, followed by creamy peanut butter notes. Mmm. 

In the mouth: Sweetness, nuttiness, creaminess are all on the attack. They dominate the palate, and subdue the senses. Medium bodied, smooth, and altogether yum a dum dum. Moderate bitterness, just enough for balance, with lingering sweet, maltiness. Absolutely delightful. 

A thick, rich and dangerously delicious blend of roasted malts, flaked oats and fair trade cocoa nibs from Ecuador. Soaked with Peanut Butter!

Hammerheart Midvinter Ol 2020

Hammerheart Midvinter Ol 2020. Aquavit Barrel-aged Black Ale brewed with spices. 

12 % ABV, Brewed and bottled by Hammerheart Brewing, Lino Lakes, MN. 

I have checked into Hammerheart Brewing 70 times on Untappd. Let's look back at some of them: The Fire of Muspel on tap at Acadia back in February of last year. Ah, the before-times. Nehushtan on tap at Acadia, November of 2019. Lingonberry infused Surtr's Flame, September, 2019, Acadia. Flaming Longship, Thor's Imperial Porter, Dunkenwald, Leif's Lager, all kegs that I chose, ordered, tapped and served at Acadia. Next, Valkyrie's Tears, a bottle, purchased at 1010 Washington, in March of 2019. Then some more bottles, also bought at that store, right around then. 

It's been that long since I've enjoyed some Hammerheart from a bottle. They're actually doing the 16-ounce can 4-pack thing now, and as you can tell, I've haven't brought home any of them, which is a source of great shame. There's no excuse for it. (Here's a hint about why: I keep chasing after IPAs.) I have been working for nearly 4 months at a store that tries to keep stocked with all of their cans at all times. I'll fix that soon. But before that, another bottle. (But first, another note. I've had the bourbon barreled version of this, back in March of 2018, also on tap at Acadia. First time for this one, though.) 

Solid blackness, rich brown head of foam, complete opacity. Looking great. 

In the nose: Spruce makes a splash, before bowing before chocolate, molasses, dark fruits and more. Aquavit even shows up for a bit. Complexities upon complexities. 

In the mouth: Rich, thick, boozy and dangerous. I can feel the barrel effects, but the nature of the aquavit escapes me. I haven't had enough to know. But I'm getting a vodka or another clear spirit (tequila) with spruce dripped over it. And the richness of the dark ale below it. A luxurious treat that can't be beat. Small bitterness. Great balance in a very big, boisterous beer. Alcohol starts booming. 

And I dub thee: Yum a dum dum.

A dark roast beer inspired by traditional Scandanavian Jul Ol. Rich and slightly bitter with a touch of spices for the beauty of snowy Minnesota winters. Aged in Game Ode Aquavit barrels for several months. 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Bell's Lampshade Party Ale Double India Pale Ale

Bell's Lampshade Party Ale Double India Pale Ale.

9 % ABV. Bell's Brewery, Comstock, MI. 

One of the certainties in life that we can all agree on is that Bell's knows IPAs. If Bell's comes out with a new double IPA, I can be doubly sure that it will be doubly good. I actually thought this one was new, when I saw it on the shelves, but it's been around for a few years. Did I just keep missing it when I went to a store? Did it sell out that quickly that my eyes never landed on any bottles at any time? Well, I'm forever a victim of FOMO, so I grabbed it up right away and am now down to that ultimate bottle from the six pack that I will now takes notes on. 

Lightly hazed, bright golden/orange hue, slim white head. 

In the nose: Big citrus note plume out of the glass, accompanied by tropical tones, too. Initial notes of orange and grapefruit are swallowed up by pineapple, passionfruit, various berries, and maybe a little melon. 

In the mouth: Juicy stuff, from the start. Great big buzz of bitterness. Booze comes on board. Citrusy, dank, resinous, deep, and yet refreshing. Candied fruit, dried apricots, pineapple and orange slices. Hop flavors hang on in the back of the palate, and stay, keeping that finish lasting long. A tasty treat that can't be beat. I may need to go get some more. 

We cleaned out mom’s attic and founds these pictures of Uncle Rick and Aunt Linda. All we can say is - WOW!

We. Had. No. Idea.

Lampshade Party Ale™ is a limited release that celebrates a night best partially remembered.

This Double IPA is dry-hopped with Australia’s Galaxy and the Pacific Northwest’s new-school IPA hop, Idaho 7. The hop character jumps out at you with juicy aromas of fruit punch, red berry and pineapple. Bitterness is there, but balanced with a nice malt character.

Feel free to indulge, and if a lampshade comes into play, so be it.

Collective Arts Life In the Clouds Double Dry Hopped NE IPA

Collective Arts Life In the Clouds Double Dry Hopped NE IPA.

6.1 % ABV. Collective Arts Brewing, Hamilton, Ontario, CAN. 

Highly hazed, bright orange hue, large and lasting ivory head. 

In the nose: soft and citric. Tropical twist, too. Guava and passionfruit meets grapefruit and orange. 

In the mouth: Nice and juicy at the start, with a brief spank of hop bitterness. Smooth and nearly creamy. Medium bodied, long, hoppy finish. Bright and beautiful. Tasty stuff.  Wish I had another. 

Fall into the rich embrace of this New England style IPA. Simcoe and Mosaic hops balance each other to make this juicy IPA explosively fruit forward in both taste and aroma while curbing any unbearable sweetness to make an extremely drinkable beer. The huge mouth feel ensures all of your tastebuds are enveloped in a blanket of tropical bliss, paradise in a can.

Taxman Peach Brandy Barrel Exemption Tripel

Taxman Peach Brandy Barrel Exemption Tripel.

Belgian-style tripel ale brewed with spices and aged in brandy barrels. 

9% ABV, 30 IBU. Taxman Brewing, Bargersville, IN. 

Hazed, nearly opaque, peach-hued, under a slim white head. 

In the nose: bubblegum, banana, orange, spices. And peaches?

In the mouth: Peach brandy barrels? That's a new one for me. All wrapped over a tripel, huh? Sweet stuff, fruity, then dry. Booze rings high. Belgian tripel character swallowed up by barrel flavors. Bubblegum bumps up against brandy barrel, peach in the middle. Funky Belgian yeast action mixes it all up. 

A very interesting beer, richly rewarding. Two thumbs up. Quite tasty. 

Unlock the Vault, our barrel series committed to the careful, prolonged conditioning and blending of barrel-aged ales. This crisp golden ale unites lemon, orange peel and coriander spices with flavorful Belgian esters, which blend brilliantly with bright, tangy notes of peach brandy barrels. Enjoy immediately or store under lock and key.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Oliphant Mind Talent Imperial Stout (brewed with cookies, cacao nibs, lactose & natural flavors)

Oliphant Mind Talent Imperial Stout (brewed with cookies, cacao nibs, lactose & natural flavors).

10% ABV. Oliphant Brewing, Somerset, WI. 

And it happens once again. Normally, I scoff at stuff like this. Everybody's getting in on the act, and it's no longer novel. I'm breaking my ban on lactose beers, too, although I generally excuse Oliphant's experiments. (Ah, ha, see it's a milk & cookies beer!) What the hell. But I'm not going to make this a thing. Just so you know. 

Solid blackness, completely opaque, with a rich brown head, that slowly crumbles. 

In the nose: Much malt, with oncoming sweetness. Cocoa's coming, too. The cream and the cookies, it's all falling into place. 

In the mouth: Rich and sweet from the start, almost sickly sweet. Treacle. Large malt, big chocolate, and then the Oreos hit. Yep, you taste the Oreos. The cookies, and the cream. Full bodied, fairly smooth, but this is not my go-to choice for an Imperial Stout. I like the realer ones. And I don't want the dia-beet-us.

Cookies & Cream Imperial Stout

Arbeiter Nacht Rider Schwarzbier

Arbeiter Nacht Rider Schwarzbier.

4.9 % ABV, 22 IBU. Arbeiter Brewing, Minneapolis, MN. 

And here we have growler #3 of the seven I picked up at the brewery last week. 

Everyone know that David Hasselhoff is huge in Germany. Nacht, naturally, is Deutsch for "night", but the pun falls apart, because the Hoff's show was Knight Rider, wasn't it, after his character, Michael Knight, not "Night Rider." Good try, though, guys, now let's drink this beer. 

Very black, very nearly opaque, slim brown-ish head on top. 

In the nose: Cocoa, coffee, and cream. Cola on the side. 

In the mouth: More of that on the palate. Minor bitterness, then it's all about the malt. Medium bodied, smooth, expertly drinkable. Clean, like a lager should be. Flavors of cocoa and cream, with a smear of coffee a touch of richness, caramel, toffee. Very likable. 

I like a good schwarzbier, and this is one. 

Our deliciously dark, smooth and malty black lager keeps its foot on the flavor pedal with classically clean German noble hops riding shotgun. Nacht Rider is the dark lager to Turbo Boost you into the night.

Nacht Rider is brewed in the Bavarian Schwarzbier tradition, showcasing Munich malt flavors with a full but smooth body.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Waldmann Barrel-aged Dopplesticke (Special Altbier)

Waldmann Barrel-aged Dopplesticke (Special Altbier).

So, you guys. I've been meaning to write more about Waldmann Brewery in St. Paul, and talk about my visit back in August, as well as my first time there in September of 2019. And I wanted to pair this with a review of one of their beers. I've never bought a crowler there, for each time they weren't available. I've enjoyed them via gifts from my buddy Ed and from South Lyndale Liquors, where I now work. I waited too long, however, for reasons too tedious to detail to you, my friends. Suffice it to say that it is finally time to move this blog off of blogspot. Once I can attach the photos from those visits, I make that post my priority number one. 

Meanwhile, I keep trying to stay on top of their offerings in crowler form, though I've failed a few times. Some of their beers have sold out before I can bring them home. So, it's time to write up the ones I've been sitting on, since it may take a little while to get that bug fixed. 

But, I'll say this. Each time I visited, whenever I posted pics on facebook or instagram, I got more likes than anything, with the exception of when I post pics of my internet-leery mother on her birthday. People flat out love this place. Waldmann truly is a treasure. 

But, on with the beer: 

9.5 % ABV. Waldmann Brewing, St. Paul, MN. 

Semi-clear, dark brown hue, slim brownish head. 

In the nose: Barrel effects blanket everything. Vanilla, cherries, whiskey, leather, oak, all smothering the doppelsticke underneath it all. Not that I'm complaining. 

In the mouth: Sweet, rich, malty, boozy. All those bourbon barrel flavors from the nose come to rest on the palate. Barrel flavors grip the senses. Malt flavors from the doppelsticke below are conquered completely. Again, not that I mind. Waldmann keeps their experiments German and unique. Someone else might barrel-age a doppelbock, but not these guys. I keep loving what they do. 

This is utterly delicious. I did not mind paying $16 for the crowler, a price a bit too high for me, usually. Now, I'm thinking that I need to pick up another, before they're gone. 

I'm not kidding, you guys. I'm calling this one: yum a dum dum. Mark my words. 

Lift Bridge Berry Blonde Ale

Lift Bridge Berry Blonde Ale.

4 % ABV, Lift Bridge Brewing, Stillwater, MN. 

Once again, I find myself with a beer I would not normally choose to review, but, as it goes, this can fell into my possession, so I must review it. If you missed the memo, the rules of this blog are as follows:  If a beer appears in my fridge, by whatever means necessary, it shall appear on this blog. Ever so rarely, I break that rule, but you'll never know. Here's one example: I will not review the cans of Gluek Pilsener that are in the fridge because they are a year old and it wouldn't be fair. (How did they get there? I got them free from work.) This can is not a year old. (I also got it free from work, but for a different reason.)

So, on we go. 

Clear, bright golden hue, slim white head. 

In the nose: A little sweet, a little tart, but full of berries.

In the mouth: Minor hop bitterness, smooth malt structure. Easy drinking, light bodied. Refreshing fruity flavors. Perfectly acceptable, and probably a perfect beer for some. Not me, I need more. But there ain't nothing wrong with it. I definitely like the Mango Blonde better than this one, but you know me, a fool for mangoes. 

Go ahead and drink this, I don't care. 

Berry Blonde has aroma and flavor subtly sparked with ripe boysenberry and blackberry juice that integrates beautifully with the light golden malt. Coming in at 4% ABV, Berry Blonde is a pleasant taste of the northland without being too heavy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

New Belgium Voodoo Ranger Xperimental IPA

New Belgium Voodoo Ranger Xperimental IPA.

6.6 % ABV, 27 IBU. New Belgium Brewing, Fort Collins, CO. 

My final can of three from the current Hoppy Pack, featuring 3 each of 4 different Voodoo Ranger IPAs, including the OG VR IPA, and the Imperial. There's one more left for review, and I'll get to that one soon. 

Clear, bright golden hue, slim white head. 

In the nose: Bold, assertive, beautiful hoppiness. Lemon/lime, orange, and a pinch of pine. A touch of dank on the side. 

In the mouth: Juicy & fruity, flush with hoppy goodness. Bittersweet, and especially smooth. Light bodied, and easily consumed. Fresh, and alive with Citra hop flavors. Minor bitterness. Flavor lays long on the palate. I'm enjoying this one. 

Our latest IPA experiment. Exclusively dry hopped with Citra Hops.

I'm wondering what the experiment was here. And was it merely dry-hopped with Citra, were there other hops used in the recipe? 

I looked on the website and found this: HOPS: Strata, Amarillo, Mosaic, Huell Melon

MALT: Pale, Honey, Pilsner

And so, I have my answer. Whatever the experiment, I'd say it worked. I'd drink this again, assuredly. 

612 Brew Hazy IPA

612 Brew Hazy IPA.

5.6 % ABV. 20 IBU. 612Brew, Minneapolis, MN.

And this will be the 5th appearance of 612 Brew here in the Nib, over more than five years. It's safe to say that, for whatever reasons, I never generating any real enthusiasm for this brand of beer, brewed here in Minneapolis. But, a can of this one found it's way into my possession and I must take notes upon it, so, here we go. 

Largely hazed, bright golden hue, impressive cap of lush ivory foam. 

In the nose: Citrus notes at first, with emerging tropical tones. Pleasant enough. 

In the mouth: Minor bitterness. Juicy. Nice hop buzz on the palate. Light-ish bodied. Good drinking. A perfectly okay beer and you can drink it. 

Sorry, I still can't muster up any great enthusiasm for 612Brew. It's a perfectly passable hazy. Take that for what it is. 

Junkyard Double Dry Hopped Galactic Falconer I.P.A.

Junkyard Double Dry Hopped Galactic Falconer I.P.A. 

6.6 % ABV. Junkyard Brewing, Moorhead, MN. 

We've covered the regular versions of Gal-Fal before, and now it's time for the DDH version. What might the difference be, we wonder. 

All hazy-like, orange-hued, large and lasting ivory head. 

In the nose: Soft and citric. Twinges of tropical. 

In the mouth: Hop bitterness on display from the start. Big-time fruity. Smooth and easy-going. Terrifically tingly. Tasty. But, is it tastier than the non-DDH? What does DDH-ing do? D-ing the DH-ing makes it more H and more D, obviously. 

Smooth and juicy, nice and dry. Delightful beer. 

This New England Style IPA is soft, citrusy and deliciously smooth with DOUBLE the dose of Galaxy & Falconer's Flight for a sensationally juicy hop character with low bitterness and clean finish.⁣ 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Noel Christmas Weihnacht, Brouwerij Verhaeghe, Vichte

Noel Christmas Weihnacht,  Brouwerij Verhaeghe Vichte.

It may be a few weeks late for a Christmas beer, but this one just fell into my hands, and I feel that the bottle is probably too old to hang on to it for another year. I have no way of finding out how old it is, but it has a Best By of 1-30-16, so I, or, somebody should have drank it down five years ago. 

7.2 % ABV. Brouwerij Verhaeghe, Vichte, Belgium. 

Lightly hazed, amber/golden hue, slim white head. 

In the nose: Spicy, malty. Citrus and plums. Gingerbread and lemon squares. Belgian yeast. Little bit of funk. All the Christmas feels. 

In the mouth: Medium body. Smooth. Malty. Slightly spicy. Very mellow. Makes me wonder what it was like fresh? 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Brew Dog Elvis Juice Grapefruit IPA

Brew Dog Elvis Juice Grapefruit IPA.

6.5 % ABV. 40 IBU. BrewDog, Columbus, Ohio. 

It's been over nine years since BrewDog has appeared here in the Nib. I only tried out two of their beers imported from Scotland, one of those on BeerAdvocate, and the other both there and here, each one Scotch barrel-aged, one an Imperial Stout, the other an IPA. At some point, import to the US stopped and I could not continue to review them. I'm not sure when they opened their Ohio brewery and started distributing here in Minnesota, but the bug never bit me to buy a six-pack of cans and give them another go. Until Gabby gave me a couple of cans last week. And now I'll get to try them. First, Elvis Juice, and next Punk IPA. After that, maybe more? 

Clear, bright orange color, large, lacey, ivory-toned crown of foam.

In the nose: yeah, there's your grapefruit. Nothing else emerges from its dominion. 

In the mouth: More grapefruit. A touch of sweetness, a twist of tart. Some hop bitterness comes up through the fruit. It blends well, and lingers on the palate. Light-bodied, easily consumed. Grapefruit and hops never quit their delicate tango. Quite nice. Would definitely drink again. 

This is an IPA like no other. BrewDog Elvis Juice puts grapefruit centre stage. Primed with tart pithy grapefruit peel for a citrus assault on the senses. This zest zenith delivers intense US hop aromas.

Arbeiter Juicy Fruity Hazy Pale Ale

Arbeiter Juicy Fruity Hazy Pale Ale.

4.7 % ABV. Arbeiter Brewing, Minneapolis, MN. 

All hazy (of course), orange color, slim white head. 

In the nose: Grassy, citrusy hops. Grapefruit and orange. 

In the mouth: Nice hop bite up front, bitterness that lingers on the palate. Slightly juicy, turning slightly dry. Light bodied, with a lightness in flavor, too. Too light for me. Needs just a touch more heft. Forced to do so, I'd say I'm a little disappointed in this one. I have five more crowlers to help move the meter in their favor. 

Hazy Pale Ale

ABV 4.7% | 27 IBU

A crisp and clean, and yet fruity hazy!? Juicy Fruity is fully saturated with pineapple, peach, mango, kiwi, and lime aromas and flavors. The Taste Is Gunna Move Ya!

Allergens: Wheat

Founders Mosaic Promise Single Hop Ale

Founders Mosaic Promise Pale Ale.

5.5 % ABV, 50 IBU. Founders Brewing, Grand Rapids, MI.

And here we have a beer that should have appeared here years ago. I'm drinking it now from a 15-pack of cans, which is an amazing deal, each individual can averaging out to a mere $1.13  apiece. But, before I brought that big box home, I had logged into it on Untappd twice, once in 2016, once in 2019, both times at Acadia cafe. What this means is that my distributor rep did not provide me with a sample of this when it was new (or I would have reviewed that sample here), and I bought our first keg out of blind trust that this Mosaic single hop pale ale would be a worthy beer, indeed. And so it was, and I ordered more kegs from time to time, though I never found myself in possession of a bottle or a can afterward, until now. (And never, or rarely, reviewed from on tap during my time at Acadia, for several reasons.)

And now, we will drink it: 

Crystal clear, bright golden hue, vibrant ivory head. 

In the nose: Fresh, lively, stunning. Mosaic hops are spilling out citric goodness.

In the mouth: Crisp, brisk, and bursting with hop bitterness. Flavors of orange, lemon, grapefruit, and berries abound on the palate. Smooth, lush malt keeps it nice at the base. Light bodied, easy-drinking, and abundantly flavorful. Never-ending happiness and exceptional session ability make this an almost perfect pale ale. 

Downright delicious. 

This clean, rich, golden beer showcases Mosaic hops and Golden Promise malts proving there truly is beauty in simplicity.

(Edit: I went to the Founders website to find more information about this beer, and could not locate it. It does not appear anywhere on their Availability Calendar. Did I purchase that 15-pack at the end of it's life? Has it been dropped for the unforeseen future? Did I really wait until the very last minute to review it?)

Drumconrath (DCR Brewing Company) Ribbonman Irish Red Ale

Drumconrath (DCR Brewing Company) Ribbonman Irish Style Red Ale with Honey. 

5.5 % ABV. 25 IBU. 16 oz. can. Drumconrath Brewing, Fargo, ND. 

Mostly clear, deep burgundy hue, slim reddish head. 

In the nose: Slightly sweet, malt-forward.

In the mouth:  Clean, smooth, malty, earthy, and exceptionally easy drinking. Hint of honey. Minor hops. Well balanced. Classic rendition of the Irish Red Ale style. Quite nice. Good drinking. 

A malt forward beer with a perfect balance of bitterness and a deep red color.

Boulevard / Three Floyds Deep Flux Barley-wine Aged in Rye Whiskey and Medeira Wine Casks

Boulevard / Three Floyds Deep Flux Barley-wine Aged in Rye Whiskey and Medeira Wine Casks.

14.3 % ABV. 20 IBU. Boulevard Brewing, Kansas City, MO, in collaboration with Three Floyds Brewing. 

Clear-is, rich, reddish hue, slim white head above. 

In the nose: Cherries. Dates. Oak. Red, red wine. Whiskey. Massive malt. Caramel. Vanilla. And the threat of big alcohol on the horizon. Whoa. 

In the mouth: Woo! More of that miss-mash invades the palate. Caramel, toffee, wine, whiskey, intense sweetness, immense malt flavors, vanilla, fruit, barrels, sweet, but deadly. Slightly bitter. Overblown, and surprisingly balanced. This beer is kind of crazy, but it works. It's big and busy, brash and outlandish, and  damn if it doesn't do the job. 

The doom of incoming alcohol starts its slough. Time to surrender to the onslaught. 

A while back, we took the brewers from 3 Floyds on a long walk past thousands of our bourbon, rum, tequila, and red wine barrels. We stopped to rest next to a collection of rye whiskey and Madeira wine casks. After a few beers we agreed that yes, these were the chosen ones. A couple more beers and we heard them tell us they wanted to be filled with barleywine – and when barrels speak, we listen. But when collaborating with 3 Floyds, predictable just won’t do, so we made this barleywine different, lighter in color than you might expect. It’s a rich, malty brew that beautifully complements the resplendent flavors of rye, Madeira, and oak lurking in the barrels.

AROMA: Vanilla, butterscotch, whiskey

MALT: Roast, caramel

Saturday, January 9, 2021

BlackStack Tinseltown West Coast IPA

BlackStack Tinseltown West Coast IPA.

7% ABV. BlackStack Brewing, St. Paul, MN.

And here we have a BlackStack beer that I couldn't not try, for I've basically been begging for it. I see new BlackStack beers on a weekly basis, and it's always "oh, another DDH hazy DIPA, ho, hum, yet another TIPA, another $20 4-pack." And now they released a $12 4-pack in the form of a non-hazy West Coast-style IPA, the kind I like. And this time, they're not being sarcastic about it. At least, not in the name.

Let's get into it...

Beautifully clear, bright golden hue, slim white head. 

In the nose: Bold hop display, citric, floral, a touch of pine. And a twist of cat pee. 

In the mouth: Crisp and clean, bright and hoppy. Orange and lemon, with the prick of the pine. Just a bit. Light bodied, and easily consumed. Big bitterness, plenty of play on the palate. A touch juicy, but ultimately dry. At the end, though, I'm nonplussed. This one doesn't come close enough to the best of the style that it is (seemingly reluctantly) trying to emulate. Close, alas, but the cigar is not given. Tasty, though, so I'll take it. 

Wait, did I say not sarcastic? Check this out: Another one of those C-Thru IPAs like our ancestors drank. Beautiful Vistas of Simcoe, Nugget & Mosaic Cryo on a crispity, crushity pils base. Pack up the trunk with this puppy & head out West.

Guys. That's cute and everything, but the New England/Hazy IPA style is only five years old. Everything has a cycle. To pretend that this newer style is here to stay and that West Coast is a thing of the past is short-sighted. I feel that tongues will tire of the hazy style, as surely as everything new under the sun has it's season, and each fad will surely pass. 

Make IPAs bitter again! The Bitter Nib demands it! 

Friday, January 8, 2021

Clown Shoes Crunkle Sam 2020. American Barley-wine Ale aged in Bourbon Barrels

Clown Shoes Crunkle Sam 2020. American Barley-wine Ale aged in Bourbon Barrels.

10 % ABV. Clown Shoes Beer, Boston, MA. 

Clear, amber-toned, large, beige-ish head of foam. 

In the nose: deep, complex, caramel malt, vanilla, dark fruit, tobacco, leather, bourbon, a smidgeon of many depths, so many layers. A feast for the olfactories. 

In the mouth: Mmm, bitter. Mmm, malty. Mmmm, bourbon. Mmm, mm, mmm. This has it all. Caramel malt, toffee, deep, rich, luxurious, decadent. Malt forward, to say the least. So many rich, delicious flavors playing on the palate. Not as big as it could be, but plenty big, enough. I am enjoying this. Wow. Wo-ow.

I am always happy when a beer meets and exceeds expectations. I have faith in Clown Shoes, and this one blew that out of the water. This one delivers. Oh, wow. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Broken Clock Spruce Juice Spruce ESB

Broken Clock Spruce Juice Spruce ESB.

Now here we have a beer that I could have purchased at any time while it was on sale at the retail store where I am currently employed, but never did, for whatever reason. Too many beers in my fridge already, maybe. But someone took it upon himself to provide me with a growler, so I could get down with this one, and check it out for my own self. Thanks again, Dave!

6.6 % ABV. 40 IBU. Broken Clock Brewing Cooperative, Minneapolis, MN. 

Slightly clouded, amber/bronze coloration, slim whitish head. 

In the nose: Spruce tips slowly but surely pull ahead of hops and malt here. Piney and malty hold down the fort. 

In the mouth: More juicy goodness. Nice bitterness glides along the palate, hoppy, juicy, malty, full of spruce-y flavors. Accented by malt. Well balanced, good combination of flavors. I liked this one all the way down. 

Wild Mind Black Is Beautiful Imperial Stout

Wild Mind Black Is Beautiful Imperial Stout. with Coffee, Maple, Cinnamon & Sea Salt.

9.5 % ABV. 60  IBU. Wild Mind Ales, Minneapolis, MN. 

Utter and absolute blackness, throughly opaque, rich brown head, lasting long. Love this look. 

In the nose: Holy Ravioli! Powerful aromatics pouring out of this one. The maple, thick as sap, the coffee, cinnamon and cocoa...whoa. 

In the mouth: All those flavors convene on the palate, none jostling or jousting for position, all in a lovely line. Not quite thick or viscous, but round, smooth, cool, calm and collected. Nothing sticks out over others. Maple isn't too much, nor cinnamon. A beautifully balanced beer, with only the large alcohol content threatening to crash this quiet convocation. This one is also never too sweet, despite the opportunity for it, though it gets close. Cinnamon rises up to take a bow, but sticks it out to close the scene. 

I was going to begin an embargo on maple beers in my regular diet, much as I've been steadfast in eschewing the use of marshmallow, and then I realized that this one was up next. But, it's not overboard. This broad display of flavors actually works. And I like it. Altogether enjoyable. 

Black is Beautiful is an Imperial stout brewed with maple, cinnamon, coffee from Up Coffee Roasters, and finished with a touch of sea salt for a more intense flavor profile.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Arbeiter Sucker Punch India Pale Lager

Arbeiter Sucker Punch India Pale Lager.

Today I spent a small part of my day off visiting the newest brewery in Minneapolis, Arbeiter Brewing Company, which has taken over the building that used to house Harriet Brewing, at 3038 Minnehaha Avenue S., lo, those many years ago. (It's only been four. That's not so many. But, it feels like forever.) It was also my first time in that neighborhood since February or March, and as the world knows, many things happened to that space in Minneapolis after the events of May 25, 2020. The blank spaces that were Hennepin-Lake Liquors, and Midori's Floating World, the Autozone that burnt to a crisp. That new apartment building that burned down is now on it's way back up. Target's back in business. The 5th Precinct, still closed down. 

And Arbeiter is open for business, but take-out only. I don't think they have ever been open for on-site consumption, yet, but I am looking forward to that day. The space has been completely reimagined, rebuilt, repurposed. There's an upstairs seating level, even, something I wouldn't even have pictured. It's hard to even think of the old taproom, compared to this one. I sure will continue to miss that spot, flaws and charms and all, but I also welcome the new, guided by new owners, managers, and brewers that will keep the beer flowing for years to come.

And I brought back seven crowlers to take notes on, first up, the India Pale Lager. I've often said here that I don't go for lagers that much (and I suspect that we'll see our share from this facility), but if they're hoppy enough, I might change my tune. Let's just see about this one, shall we? 

6.4 % ABV. 50 IBU. Arbeiter Brewing, Minneapolis, MN. 

Clear, bright golden hue, large ivory head, slowly drifting down. 

In the nose: lightly hoppy, slightly citric. 

In the mouth: Minor bitterness graces the palate at first sip. Orange, lemon and grapefruit flavors bless the tongue. Crisp, clean mouthfeel. Light bodied, long, hoppy finish, quite refreshing and with an excellent ease of consumability. This drinks down like a doggone treat. Liking this a lot. 

You won’t know what hit you after a Sucker Punch IPL. A dry-hopped lager exclusively using experimental New Zealand hops and showcases the new North Star Pils™ from Rahr Malting.

The experimental hop, HORT9099, from New Zealand exhibits strong Meyer lemon (think lemon but sweeter) as well as soft woody/piney notes. North Star Pils™ has a rich, honey and nutty sweetness for a pilsner malt. It perfectly balances with the aggressive New Zealand hop additions in the kettle.

Junkyard Nutty Fella Imperial Stout with hazelnuts and vanilla beans

Junkyard Nutty Fella Imperial Stout with hazelnuts and vanilla beans.

10.8% ABV. Junkyard Brewing, Moorhead, MN.

Absolute darkness. Thoroughly opaque, Slim brown head. 

In the nose: Chocolate starts it off. Nuttiness comes on in. Sweet, caramel & toffee. Nice. 

In the mouth: Utter decadence. Richness abounds. Big, big, big. Boom, boom, boom. Hazelnutty and vanilla-y. Immense maltiness. Fuller than full. Big and boozy. Yum a dum dummy. 

This imperial stout is smooth, creamy, and packed with hazelnut and chocolate flavors and aromas!

Monday, January 4, 2021

The Brewing Projekt Skullduggery West Coast IPA

The Brewing Projekt Skullduggery West Coast IPA. Double India Pale Ale with Simcoe, Centennial, and Amarillo. 

7.2 % ABV. The Brewing Projekt, Eau Claire, WI. 

This is the 5th appearance of The Brewing Projekt in the Nib over the past three years, including that collaboration with Oliphant. This is curious, since their last appearance was in July, and yet I haven't bought any of their beers since, though new ones appear almost weekly at the retail store where I currently work. People say that they're creative, but I think they're promoting illiteracy. They can't spell "jungle juice" right, or "smoothie", or even "project", for goodness sake. All the labels look like outtakes from Adventure Time. Everything's a variation on a smoothie sour, or is called "Puff" or something. And anytime they make a regular ol' IPA that's not a milkshake or a some shit, it's always $17-$20 a 4-pack. Who needs it!

And then I saw this one. $14.99. West Coast style. Double IPA. Okay, let's try it out, and hope they don't pull a switcheroo and make it a hazy without saying anything, as is the custom these days. 

Holy Crap! It's clear! What the---?!? Bright golden, too, with an ample stash of ivory head on top. I never would have believed it. 

In the nose: citrus and pine with a special added pungency, all very lively, bold, and almost aggressive. Highly likable, this. 

In the mouth: Exactly what I'm looking for in this style. Big hops, big bitterness, 100% piney and citric. Medium bodied, slight sweetness, all the classic West Coast hop bitterness ringing in full effect. And the alcohol content isn't quite high enough to really call it a double IPA, I am feeling something and the hop presence on the palate feels double enough. Tasty hoppy treat. Even, if I may, yum a dum dum. 

I give this one my firm stamp of approval. Although, I can get Ninja vs. Unicorn for $4 less, so I may not pick it up too often. Still, nice surprise from these guys. 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Oliphant Gorb Hazy India Pale Ale

Oliphant Gorb Hazy India Pale Ale. Double dry-hopped with Cryo Mosaic and Amarillo Hops.

7.5% ABV, Oliphant Brewing, Somerset, WI. 

I had to make it out to Oliphant one last time this past year, on the very last weekend, (thanks to Dave K!) to pick up the remainder of my beers from the Smug Club program. Won't be rejoining as the rewards have diminished, and it was perilous enough to get out there a mere three times this  last year. They were open for take out growlers and cans only, although there is no shut-down of bars and restaurants in Wisconsin. Just extra precautions on their part. Had to get some merch, too, like this glass you see in the pic.  I have too many glasses as it is, but the collecting continues. 

And the collecting of beers, as well. This will be the 127th appearance of Oliphant in the Bitter Nib, behind the top brewery, Town Hall, at 199, and ahead of #3, Surly, with 124. I guess I must like them.

On with the beer

Hazy, bright golden, lush and lasting white head. Looking good. 

In the nose: Bold, vibrant hop character bursts onto the olfactories.  Powerful citrus and portions of pine.

In the mouth: A festival of hops pops on the palate. Dry and juicy in equal amounts. Quite lively dance of bitterness that tickles the sense. Refreshing and delicious. This one's got what it takes in all the right places. 

I like this. I'd like it in a six-pack, I'd even like it in a 4-pack. I don't like it more than Lizardize, but I'll pick it in a pinch. 

I still don't know the story of Gorb, let alone Gorb Gorb. But, check this out: on the label for this beer, a pink skinned character in lotus position is concentrating while some green energy emanates around him, all this while the eye of a horned reptilian beast is directly behind him, as it opens its jaws. On the label of Gorb Gorb, that eye is seen in a darkened cave behind the pink figure, while a club-wielding barbarian in an Oliphant logo shaped helmet looks on from a distance. What does it mean? Somebody help me. 

As for the difference between Gorb and Gorb Gorb, I think its booze. I'm going to drink one next to find out. 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Modist Liquid Citra Crystals DDH Citra New England IPA

Modist Liquid Citra Crystals DDH Citra New England IPA.

6.4 % ABV. Modist Brewing, Minneapolis, MN. 

Hazy and fuzzy, golden/orange hue, slim white head. 

In the nose: soft, gauze-like, muted citrus and pine. 

In the mouth: Brief sting of bitterness before the juice chimes in. Bright, shiny, citrusy flavors reign, bursting upon the palate. Minor bitterness, clean malt texture, several layers of deliciousness. Juicy turns to dry in the finish, rounding out wonderfully. 

This is tasty stuff, and I like it. I normally eschew the NE style, but I had to check out a Modist beer without lactose in it, for once. 

One thing's for sure, I certainly can't subsist on a diet of this stuff. There are too many beer styles on earth to merely dine upon DDH hazy IPAs. 'nuff sed.

Double dry hopped Citra New England India Pale Ale, hopped and double dry hopped solely with our hand-selected Citra and Cryo Citra.