Arbeiter Wee-Kust Session IPA.
5.5 % ABV, Arbeiter Brewing, Minneapolis, MN.
Clear, bright golden color, slim white head (though starting large and lush).
In the nose: Fruity, hoppy. Plenty of citrus. Stone fruit. A bit of the tropical. Lushly aromatic. highly likable.
In the mouth: Light bodied, smooth and tasty. Moderate bitterness clings to the palate, spreads delight. More bright citrus in the flavor, apricot and grapefruit, bitterness continues throughout. Easy-drinking, especially quenchable, and replete with delightful flavors. I'm really liking this one. An excellent sessional ale (although 5.5 % technically breaches the limit for that style). It's a good session IPA, and you can drink it. Another hit from Arbeiter.
Only one left from the seven crowlers I bought at the brewery three weeks ago. But, I've got an urge to go check them out again, now that we can enjoy beers in the taproom (though not at the bar, just yet). Maybe, maybe...
West Coast meets Hallertau (hop growing region in Germany)! Wee Küst finds its way as an American Session IPA by enlisting a full array of German-sourced hops and malts.
The first of our “Bavarican” beer series, Wee-Küst achieves an American pale ale flavor profile by enlisting a full array of German-sourced ingredients. The blend of German-grown hop varieties employed provides a unique but familiar flavor profile that includes citrus, resinous, grassy, and some fresh herbal notes; not unlike what would be found in a traditionally made American pale ale.