Friday, January 31, 2025

Arbeiter Gochu Stout Gochujan Stout


Arbeiter Gochu Stout Gochujan Stout.

5.4%ABV. Arbeiter Brewing, Minneapolis, MN. 

Astonishingly dark, impressively opaque, under a large, creamy tanned head. 

In the nose: creamy, malty, notes of cocoa, vanilla, and oncoming heat. 

In the mouth: hot and spicy right from the start. Rich, creamy, chocolatey malt flavors rush in to smother it. This lasts until the very next sip, then flames come once again to lick the palate. Full-bodied, smooth and flavorful, but the damned heat distracts from all the pleasures. 

It’s a fine thing if that’s your thing, but peppery beers are not for me. 

I should figure out what a “gochujan” is....

Hammerheart Ochre and Ashe Black India Pale Ale

 Hammerheart Ochre and Ashe Black India Pale Ale.

7.2 % ABV, Hammerheart Brewing, Ely, MN.

Utter blackness, complete opacity, creamy tan foam.

In the nose: grassy & piney meets dark malts, spilling out of the glass and up into the snoot. Hugely hoppy. 

In the mouth: again, hops on top, rich malts just below. Just enough bitterness to buzz the palate. Smokey malts keep the fires burning. Full bodied, rich and delicious. Bitter mingles with sweet in beautiful harmonies here. 

I’m drinking from a sample can, but this is so good, I am going to buy a four pack and keep the love going for this extraordinary brew. 

Invoking the smoke of sacred fires. Evoking the animistic hauntings of a beautiful and mysterious landscape. Ochre and Ash celebrates new sounds of familiar spirits as much as it celebrates the very cave paintings of its namesake. Brewed in honor of fauna.

I’m glad that I could swipe that off of the internet, for the font on the label was painfully hard to read. And that should be Fauna, as in the metal band, not the classification of animals. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Allagash White Belgian-style Wheat Beer

 Allagash White Belgian-style Wheat Beer.

5.2 % ABV, 13 IBU, Allagash Brewing, Portland, ME.

Allagash returned to our market after an absence of over 20 years recently. My first review of this beer was way back in 2003. As with the Tripel, I’m going to leave that one behind and take new notes. 

Clear, bright pale golden color, large and lasting ivory head. 

In the nose: blast of citrus and spice starts it off, coriander joining right in. Lovely, delightful stuff. 

In the mouth: crisp, refreshing, delicious. Slightly sweet a touch floral and fruity. Light bodied, smooth, exquisitely downable. Perfect rendition of this beautiful Belgian style.

I wondered why they needed to add the word “hazy” to the label description when the contents of my glass was so very clear. Then, I emptied out the remains of the can. Well, there you are! Were you hiding from me? 

Allagash White features a refreshing balance of citrus and spice. Wheat, coriander, and Curaçao orange peel round out the flavor of this pale straw-colored, hazy beer.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Ol’ George # 14: Lynch Mob

 Ol’ George #14: Lynch Mob

Notes on #14:

1. Obviously, this is a reference to a scene in David Lynch’s classic 1986 film Blue Velvet. It’s the most natural choice for a Lynch tribute in a strip about a beer drinking cat. We are paying homage to the first 10-15 years of the filmmaker’s career here. I haven’t seen anything after Wild at Heart. I’ll catch up eventually.

2. This is the second time George has had no lines. I thought of giving Frank Booth’s line to George, but that didn’t seem right. This time, he’s merely a spectator to the madness at Kelly’s, rather than the instigator. 

3. Also, it’s the first three tier strip, and the most characters. All the others have had 2-4 characters, while this one has a whopping eight!

4. I haven’t done much brand-naming in the past, but will only do so on the service of the story. Unless someone feels like driving a truckload of cash up to my driveway…I could be bought.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Modist Your Time Starts Now English IPA

 Modist Your Time Starts Now English IPA.

6% ABV, Modist Brewing, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Clear, copper colored, slim white head.

In the nose: malt forward, hops behind. Caramel-y sweet, fruity and earthy at once.

In the mouth: mostly malty, with an undercurrent of British hops. Moderately hopped, low bitterness, herbal on the palate. Smooth and easily drinkable. 

English IPA w/ Burton-on-Trent water profile, Golden Promise malt, Aromatic Munich malt, T50 malt, Hopped w/ East Kent Goldings & dry hopped w/ Idaho 7

Wandering Leaf Patio Fernature IPA

 Wandering Leaf Patio Fernature IPA.

6.6 % ABV, Wandering Leaf Brewing, St. Paul, I.

Clear, bright golden hue,slim ivory head, leaving lace. 

In the nose: bold, hoppy, citrus and pine. Orange, grapefruit, lime.

In the mouth: bracingly, beautifully, bitter, fresh and zesty, popping with hops. More fruit, Medium bodied, mouth-filling, ultimate quenching and refreshing. Nails the American IPA style. I’d have this one again and again. 

Ol’ George #13: Poe One Out

Ol’ George #13: Poe One Out.

Notes on #13: from,

1. Poe may have written this poem at Washington Tavern in Lowell, Massachusetts in 1848 to pay his drinking tab. The original copy hung on the wall of the tavern until about 1920. What a shame, the tavern's been replaced by a Dunkin' Donuts.

2. I’m never 100 % sure if my jokes are original. In my efforts to find out, I discovered that you can find plenty of graphic images of Poe with a beer and variations on the phrase “Poe Me Another.” I’ll bet someone out there has it as a tattoo. 

3. I can’t tell you what’s in George’s bottle, ( well, I could…) but there is at least one Poe-themed brewery in existence. His own home town’s Baltimore-Washington Beer Works in Maryland has ales and lagers named for his poems and stories, with the poet’s face on every label. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Modist Blueberry Second Breffix

 Modist Blueberry Second Breffix. Imperial breakfast stout w/ blueberry maple syrup, Wildflyer coffee, brown sugar, vanilla bean & oat milk. 

10 % ABV, Modist Brewing, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

Solid blackness, completely opaque, under a large, creamy tanned head. 

In the nose: coffee and vanilla, roasty and bittersweet. Blueberries creeping in. 

In the mouth: surprisingly smooth and sweet. Berries are shining bright on the palate. Bitter meets sweet and roasty malt rises over all. There’s maple surup here, too, right? Swallowed up by berries? 

A complex and richly rewarding beverage that is making an excellent nightcap on this frigid night. 

Ol’ George #12: Sober-ish

 Ol’ George #12: Sober-ish.

Notes on #12:

1. I hate “Dry January”. It’s a stupid trend, and I hate those. I don’t hate drinking in moderation and I certainly don’t hate not drinking or quitting drinking. This thing of taking the first 31 days of the year off, then resuming is non-sensical. Are you doing it just to prove you can? Then do a full week every other week. Do every other day. Do Dry February. March. Even, if you can imagine it, August. But, January? Are you kidding?

January is the worst month for bars, brewery taprooms, restaurants for many reasons. The cold, the dark, seasonal depression, tight budgets after holiday spending, …so many things make January a hard month for bar industry staff. And you want to add another reason for making things slow at your favorite bar/brewery/restaurant? That’s unnecessarily cruel. 

If you return to see your favorite bartender or server on February 1, and say “sorry, we were doing Dry January”, that doesn’t help them pay their bills. Maybe you did visit them, but chose NA options. Well, that’s cool. You ate and tipped? All good. 

2. These two do not enter the club of George’s drinking buddies. They’re not drinking. Tom Waits and Snoopy did enter the club. You don’t have to be drinking alcohol to be a George drinking buddy. I really don’t know what they were doing. Slurping from the water cooler? I’m not giving them names, they’re terrible people. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Fair State A Dose of Thunder.Baltic Porter

 Fair State A Dose of Thunder.Baltic Porter.

8.8 % ABV, Fair State Brewing Cooperatives, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

I had to try this one for several reasons. Let’s list them: 1. I haven’t had any Fair State in a while, because I don’t do the hazy IPAs. 2. I love Baltic Porter and will try any that I can find. 3. There appear to be several layers of Replacements references going on with the name and the label. You can figure it out. 

Dark brown, nearly black, thoroughly opaque, under a rich, cocoa tan head. 

In the nose: sweet and malty, cocoa and cream. Delightful.

In the mouth: exceptionally smooth on the palate, while being robust and full bodied Notes of cocoa and cream, deliciously dark and roasty. Touch of bittersweet. The bold alcohol level is holding it all together. Ridiculously drinkable, though the Thunder claps will ring in due time.

Can’t you feel it? Start to rumble? 

Experience the perfect storm of flavors with A Dose of Thunder, our first Baltic Porter made using German lager brewing techniques and English strong ale ingredients. Rich and robust with notes of coffee and crème brûlée, this lagered porter is roasty, crisp, full, and ideal for winter’s coldest days.  

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Pipeworks Wongo Mongo IPA

 Pipeworks Wongo Mongo IPA. With Citra, Galaxy & Mosaic hops. 

7.3 % ABV, Pipeworks Brewing, Chicago, IL.

Clear, bright golden hue, snowy white head. 

In the nose: Citra dominates, it’s Citr-Ruffin, everything you want in an IPA. Bold fruit, bright bitterness. 

In the mouth: hoppy and smooth, mild bitterness, bursting with fruity notes on the palate. Juicy citrus up front, ending on a dry note. Thoroughly delightful. 

We brewed this Galaxy and Mosaic hopped easy sipper for a good pal. These suds are best shared with buds and pair well with throwing threes, unless the high hop aroma has you rolling cee-lo. Either way, here’s to a 456. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Dangerous Man Velour Hen Belgian Tripel Ale

 Dangerous Man Velour Hen Belgian Tripel Ale.

8.5% ABV, 21 IBU, Dangerous Man Brewing, Maple Lake, Minnesota. 

Wonder what on earth a “velour hen” is? It helps if you can remember way back thirteen years ago when Tallgrass had a tripel called Velvet Rooster.

Clear, bright golden hue, ivory head. 

In the nose: bubblegum pops first, slightly fruity, yeasty…earmarks of s tripel.

In the mouth: sweet continues on the palate, with small bitterness, and encroaching high alcohol beating on the brain. Candi sugar and brash bubblegum, splashes of stone fruit and glimmers of citrus. 

Not too shabby of an attempt there at this slippery style

A velour golden masterpiece. This Belgian tripel wraps you in its smooth warmth, while leaving you refreshed and craving more. It dazzles like the bbq elusive Velour Hen: a little candy-like sweetness, a little fruity and just a smidge spicy!. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Ol’ George #11: Mind Your P’s


Notes on #11: 

1. Chester is back, after his first appearance in the first strip from way back in October/November. I’d forgotten that he always wore a button bedecked vest. I hope that every time he appears, I get a little better at drawing him. Of course, that’s my general, every day wish about everything.

2. Ditto Irma the bartender, in her 4th appearance.

3. I thought the “peanut butter pickle” was weird enough to gag George, but sure enough there are several of those out there, but none is a Porter.

Barn Town Brewing in W. Des Moines canned PB Pickle Tickle Blonde Ale, which poured a bright green and seemed to be liked. 74 check-ins on Untapped, 3.25 average.

Lagunitas made a PBP pils for a Strange Beer Frstival. Several people reported getting neither flavor. 12 check ins. 2.17 average.

Martin House Brewing of Fy. Worth, TX made one as a Gose. One commenter said it didn’t work as a sour. 4 check ins.

Craft Life of Hudson, FL did a PB Dill Cream ale. Also 4 check ins.

I can’t come up with a weird beer without discovering it already exists. Maybe someone will take a pickle beer (my store has two in stock, by Oliphant and by Destihl) and a PBP and combine them, tell me how it tastes. Too bad that I finished a Destihl PBP a few days ago, could’ve kept it “in the family”, so to speak. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Belching Beaver West Bestern West Coast IPA

 Belching Beaver West Bestern West Coast IPA. Brewed with Simcoe, mosaic, strata & Idaho 7 hops.

7 % ABV,  91 IBU, Belching Beaver Brewing, Oceanside, CA. 

Clear, bright golden hue, large, lace-leaving ivory froth.

In the nose: grapefruit, lemon and pine. Bold citrus hop bouquet.

In the mouth: brisk blast of bitterness on the palate, slowly turning down and finishing dry. Lean bodied and loaded with hops. Approachable for the style, though: an easy drinker with a consistent hoppy edge. Ends crisp, dry, fruity, delicious. 

Road trips. Beer festivals. Airport bars. Celebrations. 2 AM taco runs. Some things are just best enjoyed with friends – and for this West Coast IPA we’ve combined forces with some of the Best-in-the-West for this 3-way brew collaboration, Westbound & Down Brewing Company and Craft Coast Beer & Tacos. A resinous IPA loaded with Mosaic, Simcoe, Strata, and Idaho 7 hops that showcases exactly what makes the West best. Grab a friend, crack some cans, and stay a while. We’ll leave the light on.

Arbeiter Julebukk Black Cherry Imperial Stout

 Arbeiter Julebukk Black Cherry Imperial Stout. 2023. 

11.3 % ABV, 64 IBU, Arbeiter Brewing, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Been sitting on this for a year. Time to crack it open.  

Full ebony appearance, large cocoa brown head, immensely opaque. 

In the nose: roasty malt, deep and dark, with dark fruit rolling out from under. Smoke and oak blends with chocolate. 

In the mouth: big malt, rich cocoa, slight smoke, and cherry hiding in the back. Wait. Spoke too soon. Here it comes…coming in tart, bright, fruity. Nice. Increasingly delightful. This actually makes me wish it were colder outside. 

Victory Merry Monkey

 Victory Merry Monkey. Belgian/style ale with cranberry, orange peel, cinnamon and nutmeg.

10 % ABV, 35 IBU, Victory Brewing, Downington, PA. 

Christmas is long over, the New Year in full swing, what better time to cozy up with a holiday ale?

Clear, with an odd complexion..,dark orange? Ruddy red? Light burgundy? With a brief white head. 

In the nose…sweet, fruity, tart, spicy. Quite a lot going on. Rather delightful.

In the mouth: holiday spices lead the surge. Gingerbread dunked in cranberry juice. Orange peel shows itself, mingled with nutmeg, all on top of a tripel, the most of which remains is the alcohol level. A warming, and charming,

This Belgian-style Holiday Ale combines the beloved flavor profile of Golden Monkey with notes of cranberry, orange peel, cinnamon and nutmeg to deliver a delightfully smooth finish, perfect for merry gatherings with family and friends.

Dangerous Man Rye IPA


Dangerous Man Rye IPA.

6.5 % ABV, 55 IBU, Dangerous Man Brewing, Maple Lake, Minnesota. 

Clear and copper-y colored, under a large , lusivory head. 

In the nose: hoppy, malty, spicy, an intriguing mix. Rye dominates, but I dig it. Earthy, slightly sweet.

In the mouth: bright hoppiness, small bitterness, quickly swallowed up by rye malt sweet and spice. Bready, earthy, hearty. Loads of character and flavor in this, a style rarely attempted. Not my favorite style of IPA, but I can appreciate it and I’m glad someone trots one out once in a while. 

Summit Saga Juicy IPA

 Summit Saga Juicy IPA. 

5.2 % ABV, 55 IBU, Summit Brewing, St. Paul, Minnesota. 

Clear, golden hued, bright ivory head atop.

In the nose: lovely hopping, citrus and spices notes.

In the mouth: nice bit of bitterness up front, sliding off a tad near the end of the swallow. The juicy part rises up on the palate and blends with the bitter. Swims happily in the mouth, goes down nice and easy, but never lets you forget it’s an IPA. Ends dryly. Highly likable. 

Currently only available in the Saga Goddess Series variety pack.