Tuesday, April 5, 2011

De Ranke Noir de Dottignies

De Ranke Noir de Dottingies, Belgian strong dark ale, 9% a.b.v.

Plummy brown/red coloration, slim, dark head.

Sweet dark fruit flavors hit the nose first. Very raisiny. Nice.

Taste: caramel and raisins, again. Fat malt, funky yeast. Wonderfuly wheat-y feel on the palate, dominated by dark, delicious malt. Spicy spark hits the tongue, tease the senses, fades back a bit. I've been describing this as a dark saison, but it's much more than that, though it's a good indicator of the flavor.

Each new sip, another funky, wild, twisted attack of tasty dark malt, and spice. Chocloate and dark rum. Molasses and cracked black pepper and clove.

Alcohol doesn't stand out at first, but. whoops, there it is!

Very interesting ale from De Ranke. Complex and satisfying.

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