Saturday, November 14, 2015

Alaskan Winter Ale

Alaskan Winter Ale. 6.4%. Categorized as an Olde Ale, but, well, I'm not so sure about that. You can read about it here. 

Clear, bright amber coloring, slim whitish head.

Citrus hop character in the nose, with a hint of spice. Soft, malty tones. Pleasant.

Sweet, scrumptious malty flavor carries it forward. Kiss of the hops. Some citrus, some spice. Nice balance. Wonderful taste. Medium-bodied, excellent drinkability.

This isn't what I expect when I pop open a bottle of anything called winter. I anticipate something darker, maltier, richer, etc. There's nothing wrong with this approach, I guess.

Although, I will quote from the website: Traditionally malty with the warming sensation of alcohol, Olde Ales are brewed in the fall as winter warmers.

At 6.4%, it's not that alcoholic, and not very warming. Something's fishy here. I'll have to say as a beer unto itself, there's nothing wrong with it. As an olde ale, I'm unimpressed.

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