Monday, April 24, 2017

Summit Hefe Weizen

Here's an old favorite, if this is the same as the original, and why wouldn't it be? Summit's Hefe Weizen was surely the first of the style that I ever tried back in the 90's. And then, they stopped making it, some time around 2009 or so. Or, wait, no, they still brewed it, but only for Chicago. What? That's crazy. Was it really that poor of a seller? How could a classic hefe weizen not be hit here at home? Well, I certainly put back my share, when I wasn't in the mood for an IPA, or a porter, or a pale ale, or a saison, or a stout...or a barley-wine or a tripel, or bourbon barrel aged imperial whatsiwhovitz.

And now here it is in the Boundary Waters collection. Or, on tap, wherever. And I'm going to drink this can, poured into a glass.

Highly clouded, pale orange color, slim white, lace-leaving head.

In the nose: Classic Bavarian hefe weizen yeast character dominates the aromatics. There's the banana and a little bit of clove, with plenty of citrus hanging around. Nice.

In the mouth: Soft, clean, smooth. Delightfully drinkable. Medium/light bodied, expertly drinkable. Did I say smooth? Super-smooth. Just enough flavor to keep the mouth happy. Make more, Summit, make enough to last all summer long!

Just for kicks, here's a Beer review I did back in May of 2003:

Cloudy golden color, hazier up at the top, with an impressive head, 2" thick, white as a cloud and fluffy as one, too, with a slow, lacey crumble. (Perhaps the Aventinus glass I poured it into aided in this.)
Aroma is overall soft and subdued, but full of weizen character, spikey with citrus, spicy, but mellow and dry.
Rich, tangy, grainy, mouthfeel at first, with a tasty, rewarding finish. Body is light/medium, and smooth. Lacking complexity, but high on the drinkability, with just enough flavor.
A brew I return to every summer, over and over.

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