Thursday, June 20, 2019

Oliphant Jeremy's Got Talent Imperial Stout with bananas and vanilla wafers

Oliphant Jeremy's Got Talent Imperial Stout with bananas and vanilla wafers.
10 % ABV. Oliphant Brewing, Somerset, WI.

Normally, I would shy away from something like this. Bananas? Vanilla wafers? What? But it's Oliphant, so I have to try it. Like back when I was a Marvel zombie. I had to have them all in my collection. The No-Prize Book. The Fumetti issue. All the What Ifs. US-1. Secret Wars 1 and 2. Dazzler. Crystar, Crystal Warrior. That one Marvel Team-Up where Aunt May became the Herald of Galactus.
 Let's drink it and complete my collection.

Thorough blackness. Slim brown head, settling swiftly.

In the nose: Dark malt. Cocoa and's missing many of the usual suspects, perhaps supplanted by whatever 'nanas and 'Nilla provides...if anything. In time, they file in: smoke, char, chocolate.

In the mouth: there they are, the richness of the dark, chocolate malts. a slight sweetness, minor hops, and wonderfully warm feeling on the palate. Sweetness comes through, and surely the bananas and wafers have something to do with it. Okay, the bananas are opening up now. Not too shabby. I'm digging it now. Digging it big time.

who has talent? jeremy has talent. but that’s not to say you don’t. i just got a really good deal on it and had to horde most of it. i hope you understand.

imperial stout w/ banana and vanilla wafers. 10% abv

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