Sunday, October 4, 2020

Three Floyds Pear Bear

Three Floyds Pear Bear. American wild ale brewed with pears.

8% ABV. Three Floyds Brewing, Munster, IN.

Clear, amber/golden-hued, slim white head. 

In the nose: Sour, funky, fruity. Ripe. Rank. There's pears in there.

In the mouth: Pow! Sweetness meets the sour. Big puckeration. Medium bodied. Long, sour finish. Juicy. Tangy. Wild and crazy. Not a lot of pear flavor, per se, but damn, the sour is in power. Terrific tart. Funky stuff. Slightly hot. 8% is high for a sour, and I can dig it. 

A weird beer to match the weird-o, freaky cartoonery on the label. The freak flag flies high. The label for this one was drawn by cartoonist Alexis Zirritt, of Space Riders fame, the title that inspired a line of IPAs over at Oliphant. 

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