Monday, March 17, 2025

Ol’ George # 21: The Wearin’ O’ the Grin


Ol’ George # 21: The Wesarin’ o’ the Grin

Notes on #21: 

1. Damn, I misspelled “Begorra”! No one would have noticed, I’m sure, but now the secret is out. Some day I’ll figure out how to fix it…

2. I stole the title from the 1951 Chuck Jones Looney Tune wherein Porky Pig visits Ireland and is bedeviled by a pair of leprechauns. There’s a great Dali-esque surrealist scene at the end. 

3. Where does George’s pint and pipe go in panel four? I think that, much like characters in Tex Avery cartoons, George makes use of a pocket universe in which he stores and retrieves objects for use whenever he needs them. That makes sense. This firmly establishes George as a cosmic trickster god. Glad we got that ball rolling. 

4. George is not human sized, so the bar provides him with his own chair.

5. Sometimes, I forget to draw Irma on the inside of the bar. This one makes it look like she’s on the outside, sitting next to Chester. She’s always behind the bar. Don’t worry, I’ll get it right eventually, 

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