Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Festivus 2010

Every year, a new holiday beer from Town Hall Brewery called Festivus (for the rest of us!) but different every time. This year, I had some at the brewery (after the stouts at Haute Dish, actually), but missed the pole, the airing of greivances, the feats of strength, etc. And took home a growler, which sat in the fridge for about two weeks. When I finally opened it to enjoy and take notes, here's what I wrote:

"Festivus 2010, Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery, best by…1/5? Ohmygod, only 3 days until it dies!)(just kidding, I bought this on the day it was released almost 2 weeks ago, and haven't touched it, but I know Town Hall growlers can last and last.)

Clear, amber color, dotted, off-white head, slim, but staying.

Aroma: floral, fruity, hoppy aroma. very pleasant, mild, and lovely.

Taste: brisk bitterness, bright, fresh, and a little astringent. Some citrus hop character, some lime and grapefruit, and then it's sweetness. Great interplay and balance. Nice little dance between hops and malt. Sweet, bitter, and a bit creamy. Some caramel malt sweetness.

High and easy drinking, that's for sure. Light to medium body/mouthfeel. Feels something like a bitter in profile, like a pale ale in hoppitude, almost aggressively hoppy, giving the palate a run for it's money."

So, guess what happened? I couldn't remember what style it was, and, since previous Festivus brews had been some kind of stout or dark ale, I wasn't sure if what I had was Festivus. Did I get the wrong beer? That's never happened. So, I had another at the pub last night, and learned anew what kind of beer it was that I had. An English old ale, with apple cider, and orange peel.
Who'da thunk it.

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