Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ommegang Cup o' Kyndnes

cup o' kindness Traditional Belgian-style Scotch Ale (is that a thing?)

Murky brown appearance, under a creamy-toned, lace leaving, luscious head. Looking good.

Aroma: sweet, nutty, caramel and toffee notes, chocolate malt aplenty. Floral and heather-y, no hops to be found. Gorgeous.

Taste: why, yes, let's drink 'er up. Lightly bitter bracing entry on the palate, a little funky and sour, tingles the tongue, then lets loose the lush malty flavor. I'm a bit surprised, and thought I'd get nothing but sweet malt from this one. I like it. Great little trick on the tongue, then all is mellow and groovy.

Not too high in alcohol, but exceptionally warming

I'll take a cup of kindness yet, in days of auld lang…how's that song go?

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