Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Urthel Samaranth, Quadrium Ale

Here we go, again. Another favorite brew I'm re-trying for sheer pleasure, while looking back at the notes I took when I first tried it. Picked up this bottle at Four Firkins recently, when Sir Lanny held court. Bought a lot of beers that day, and couldn't leave without picking up one that he represents. Hadn't had a Samaranth in a while, so away we went. And here's my notes on the first tasting nearly six years ago.

"A "Quadrium Ale", according to the label, whatever that is, and also, we are told, this was brewed by Hildegard. Thanks, Hildy! Let's uncork this sucker and see what your talents have wrought...
Looks lovely in the glass, gorgeous peachy orange tone, foam filling half the vessel, delicate and lacey, softly collapsing, very elegant.
Aroma tickles the nose, funky, citric, spicy, ripe orange and grapefruit peels, lemons, cherries, quite a fruity combo, certainly a delight.
And a joy on the tongue, as well, a spicy, spritzy dance on the palate, that mellows much from it's initial entrance, but never leaves, just keeps rolling along. Gets a bit bubblegummy later in, not that there's anything wrong with that. This is very tasty, very nice, and I can't taste the 11.5% the label speaks of...can that be right?
I thought this would be like a Quadrupel style, like La Trappe's classic version, and maybe it is, if the only consistent characteristic were alcoholic content. But as for taste, it's surprising and unique. I expected a darker, winey-ier brew, and got something very different, but very delicious.
This 750 ml bottle will be drained with astonishing quickness, and I can be counted for picking up more bottles, to guarantee future happiness.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 02-04-2005"

Later that year I met Hildegard van Ostaden for the first time, and I will never call her "Hildy" again, I promise you. I still love this beautiful beer, but it seems to be a different shade now, darker, and I didn't get the prodigious head on this pour. Used a "shaving mug" style Urthel glass which I bought at the long gone Liquor Depot years ago. Next time I'll break out a finer Urthel glass for a more appropriately attractive pour.
In April of 2012 I completely forgot about this entry, and did a repeat of Urthel Samaranth Quadrium. I've since deleted it, but kept the photo and placed it here, to fulfill the promise of the final sentence. Much nice looking, don't you think?

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