Friday, January 21, 2011

Grain Belt Nordeast

I've had samples of this off the tap, but full-sizes servings had eluded me, until a Schell's (brewer of the Grain Belt brand) rep came to the rescue yesterday.
At last a bottle of Grain Belt Nordeast to call my very own! Rarer than unicorn droppings, harder to find than a leprechaun's taint. At long last, it is mine.

Now, to drink! But, first, to open…

Clear, rich amber color, very thin, tight head, just a lean ring of whitish foam round the edges.

Aroma: sweet and malty, caramel tone, thoroughly pleasant. Nuff said.

Taste: more of the same. No complexity, none expected, exactly as advertised, a clean, slightly sweet, malty lager. There's flavor, and it rolls around the mouth, and exits politely. Drinks like crazy. Only offended parties should be those who insist on their beers being yellow, glum, and harshly fizzy. This ain't none of that. It lacks body, but I don't think anyone expected it to be big-boned. Nordeast is what it is and does what it does.

I'll give it high praise from a Minnesotan: "Not bad!"


pro wrestling photog said...

If thought about trying that beer as I see it when ever I go to the liquor store. Maybe I will pick it up next time now that I know it doesn't look like piss.

Al McCarty said...

Grain, Belt, Beer...

comes, from, here....

Kris said...

I agree, for what it is, Nordeast is a good beer. Better suited for warmer weather though. That's a pretty sweet glass you have it in there, too!