Sunday, January 22, 2017

Town Hall HMS Pilsner

If you've read this blog with any regularity, you'll know that I'm primarily an ale man, and not really a lager lover. When I choose beers, I tend to overlook lagers, and pilsners, and I try to correct that every now and then. And so, at last, HMS Pilsner, German-style pilsner, 5% ABV. Hallertau, Mittelfruh and Saaz. (Not Her Majesty's Service, I guess.) That's all the website says. Is there more? I'll look later, for now I'll drink it.

Clear, bright golden coloring, slim ivory head.

In the nose: Sweet, cereal, malty. Not getting the hoppiness just yet. It's minor, so far.

In the mouth: Lands nice and clean on the palate, hops pop up, sweet turns to dry. A little bit of fruit meets hop bitterness in the mouth. Crisp as they get, clean, like I said, and effortlessly drinkable. Hops feel bigger in the flavor profile as we continue on.

I will finish this mini-growler in no time, and will move on to something more my style. But if you love German pilsners, you can't go wrong with this one.

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