Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dave's BrewFarm Bumbled

Dave's BrewFarm Bumbled

Don't remember exactly what Dave told me about this one, but it had something to do with honey, bees, flowers,…other than that, I've got nothing else. Gonna just open it up and dive right in.

(Edit: Dave has since revealed to me his description of Bumbled, from when it was on the menu, here it is: "This is a well-hopped American Ale that emanates subtle honey flavors. Also includes a healthy dose of Magnum, Chinook and Amarillo hops for balance. Brew-Wife says it is NUMMY. 9.1% ABV"
Like most of what I brew, it doesn't "fit" into a nice neat style.")

Clear, pale crimson, deep amber coloring, prodigious foaming, creamy-white, lacy and lovely.

Aroma: sweetness, minor hops, nice and malty, and, yeah, I can pick up on the honey.

Taste: a little fire, here, but just a taste. Very smooth, bright, fruity malt is forward, and hops are hidden, as is alcohol, unless these are famous last words. Don't I wish I had all kinds of info at my disposal, like what yeast or malts, or hops went in? Sure, but, whatever it was, the result is easy drinking and awesome-tasting.

A new sensation comes through, it's the rise of the alcohol, very warming. Getting sweeter and delicious-er, as well. Some chocolate chiming in. How about that?

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