Oliphant The Fangkor. New England IPA, I guess. 5.6% ABV. Oliphant Brewing, Somerset, WI.
Hazy India Pale Ale with Citra and Kohatu hops. So says the brewery.
Medium haze on this one, slimmish ivory head, golden/orangish-hue. Looking nice.
In the nose: soft, citrus-y, resinous, piney. Some might say dank. Touch of the tropical. Passion fruit and guava mix with the lemon and the pineapple.
In the mouth: Bitterness boards the palate first, bold and fresh, but it doesn't dominate. Juicy on the tongue, fruity all the way. Lean bodied. A fine example of this new-ish "NE" IPA style. So says me. But, however.
Some people think they know everything about this nascent style, now becoming more and more official. I am the 38th person to log into this beer on Untappd. Just for fun, here are some of the notes from people who logged into it before me:
Barclay O. says on March 25, the same day I had it for the first time:
It's not a bad IPA I just don't think the ne style really comes across.
Darin picked up a can at Casanova's in Hudson:
Easily the worst Oliphant beer I’ve had. Doesn’t come across as NE style at all. It also has a bit of a malty note that is out of place.
Seth has all of this to say:
Not a hazy NEIPA. Deep golden. Smooth. Slight tropical fruit in the tongue.
Michelle L. lays it down like so:
A bit boring, but super drinkable. This is one you could knock back all day, and what a happy day that would be.
Tim D. is my favorite, though:
I don’t want to be one of those dorks that is like “a bloo bloo bloo this isn’t hazy” but it’s not really? Just grassy as hell hops but blah
Aren't we all,like a little "a bloo bloo bloo", sometimes?
Well, it's a good beer and I can drink it and who the hell gives a Flying Burrito Brother if it's "not" a "hazy IPA"? Who gives a flipping flarg?
I wish these people knew anything about any another style of beer at all.
I wish they knew anything.
Good hazy IPA. I can drink it. Not my favorite Oliphant IPA (haven't figured out which one that is, there's so many to choose from), but yeah, it's not because of that "out of place malty note." It's hoppy, juicy, bitter, and damn, it goes down with ease. Nothing wrong with that.