Friday, December 14, 2018

Oliphant The Fart Side Pale Ale

Oliphant The Fart Side Pale Ale. 5 % Alc./Vol. Brewed by Oliphant Brewing, Somerset, WI.

It's a riff on Gary Larson's The Far Side, And Beer Nerds, apparently, and, vegetables, I guess. Oh, yes, and farts, too. Not 100% sure if I fully get it, but that's alright. Let's drink the beer.

Highly hazed. Dull orange coloring, solid white head.

In the nose: Bright citrus and pine notes. Nicely fruity. All the big citrus-y notes, orange, lemon, tangerine.

In the mouth: Big hoppiness from the start, met with caramel malt, and a dose of chocolate. Lot of malt going on here, with citra hops shining above. Nice mix of fruity hops, sweet, dark malts.

It's a good beer. And you can drink it. But it's not a very good beer, and I'm not crazy about it. It's just...okay. The disparate parts don't hang together very well. But, they do hang. And you can drink it.

Sorry, when I try a beer from a favorite brewery and I don't love it, it's a bit difficult. I don't want to knock it, so I find it hard to, you know, tell the truth. And like I said, I don't want to knock it, so...

I wish I could get technical information about the ingredients in this beer from the website, but all I get is this:

the fart side

i met dean ween in a dream last night. i was in a perpetually long line at target. at one point he jumped up from the crowd and shouted at the crowd that he is dean ween of ween. i raised my hand up and said “hi dean ween” we connected a solid high five, and became fast friends. before giving up on the long line, i asked dean for a guitar tip i could relay to matt. he said that esp guitars are great for shredding. you can play all types of metal on them. then i drove across the hudson bridge and a bunch of cars were hanging of of it.

 pale ale w/citra hops. 5% abv

P.S. I've never had a dream about Ween, but, well, you should read this, if you haven't.

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