HeadFlyer It Was All A Dream IPA. 7.2 % ABV. 47 IBU. HeadFlyer Brewing, Minneapolis, MN.
The first time I had this beer was in my home, a growler brought as house-warming gift, (or was it on moving day?), back in May of 2017, shortly after the brewery opened. (Thanks, Dave!)
The second time I had this beer was on my first visit to the brewery in September of that year. I biked there and met a friend, and I had nearly the whole line-up available at that time, through my own flights or by tasting my friend's. I took notes and pictures and had every intention of turning it into an article here, a Minnesota Breweries One by One (#120-something, I think). But, that project fell victim to my old nemesis, procrastination.

On a Sunday in January of 2018, as snow was falling, I said "this time for sure!" (as always in the plucky tone of Bullwinkle J. Moose), and took a bus there, trudging through the new fallen snow, only to discover that the taproom was closed to the public for a private party. In the need of relief, I walked on in, took care of business, and sat at the bar hoping for service. I was allowed to purchase a growler, but not stay. And so, I bought 64 ounces of It Was All a Dream Hazy IPA, took the growler home, drank it, took notes, and, of course, some pics.
I saved those notes under the heading of the article about the brewery that I wanted to write, and completely forgot about it. The notes were saved. The photo is lost.
I've learned lessons. Save those pics, somewhere, anywhere. Publish notes sooner than later. Get stuff done! I'm trying, believe me. So what we have here are notes from a growler in January of 2018, with a picture of the beer from on tap in September 2017, published in April 2019. It's called house-cleaning.
I will return to HeadFlyer soon and I will have more to say about them.
Bright golden. Plenty of haze. Vast swath of ivory head above.
In the nose: Nice and citrusy. Big dank. Light bitterness. Pleasant.
In the mouth: Bright, hoppy, lively, beautifully abrasive. Lean bodied. Nice 'n' tight 'n' delicious. Gets very mellow very quickly. Popping with tropical tones as well as the citrus, nicely bi
ttered. Flat out yum.
I like this one, and I will drink it again.