Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Falling Knife Verbal Tip NE IPA

Falling Knife Verbal Tip NE IPA.
Citra & Mosaic, 7.3 % ABV.
Falling Knife Brewing, Minneapolis, MN.

And now we have my first review of one of the newer breweries in Minneapolis, Falling Knife of NorthEast, occupying the former site of NorthGate, having opened to great acclaim late last fall.
I have not been there yet for several reasons. I had not contacted friends with cars to bring me out there, and I did not wish to travel there solo during the winter because it is too far to walk in the cold from the nearest bus stop. I've been to the location on bike in the past, though, but it only became bike weather recently, during this time of COVID-19 quarantine, when one may not stay and enjoy one's time at a taproom, only take beers to go.

And you know what happened? They, like many breweries, began a delivery service, so that one needn't leave one's house to receive their beers. But, you know what else happened? Before I got around to doing any ordering, they started selling their crowlers to liquor stores. One of those is not far from me, and a store I haven't visited in at least 20 years, and boy does it look nice. Better than it did in the 90's, ( when I shopped there frequently) that's for sure. And because shopping for beer is an "essential trip", I hopped on a #6, walked from Hennepin and Franklin to 22th & Lyndale, mere blocks from where I lived in my twenties, bought some Falling Knife beers at Hum's Liquor, (among others, of course) and took a #4 back home to drink them.

So, here is the first crowler I will review from Minneapolis' first brewery named for and themed after digital dismemberment:

Thoroughly hazed, bright golden hued, large and lasting ivory head. Looking great.

In the nose: Lazily citrusy, lightly floral, slowly and surely opening up and spreading it's Citra and Mosaic wings, getting lovelier by the minute.

In the mouth: We're getting the juice, the haze and the hops altogether here. Nicely bitter, joyfully spicy, and flush with citrusy goodness. Light bodied, smooth, easy finish. Medium bitterness, fully flavored, expertly drinkable. I like this one.

But, if you're any follower of this blogging activity of mine, you may know that the "hazy" style of IPA is not my favorite style. I'm eagerly anticipating trying some of their other India Pale Ales that may not be of the hazy variety.

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