Saturday, April 25, 2020

Town Hall Amber Lager

Town Hall Amber Lager. 5.5 % ABV.
Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery, Minneapolis, MN.

I searched the Bitter Nib for Amber Lager from Town Hall and I found Red Sterling Lager, but this is not that. And looking on BeerAdvocate, I found that the only "amber lager" named as such was added to their database this January. So, there's a new beer for me to review, so ...I shall.

You see, we are still in the time of the quarantine, still trying to wait until the threat of COVID-19 hs safely passed. My place of work is still shut-down, and I'm still hanging out at home with Sonny Boy the Cat, catching up on reading, doing a little doodling, binging shows on Netflix, dusting off DVDs, doing a little this and that, and trying to find new beers to review. I decided to order delivery crowlers from Town Hall this week, and there weren't a lot of new ones to me, just a few. But we also just need some good old good ones, just to drink. So a Masala Mama here, an Amber Lager there, an Ol' Jack Frost here, a Raspberry Chocolate Imperial Stout there. So, keep your eyes out for that one, soon, and here we go with this one.

Clear, copper-y/bronze colored, slim beige-ish head.

In the nose: Sweet malty aromatics, a little earthy, a touch of fruit.

In the mouth: Herbs, earth, little hop bitterness at the front. Malt sweetness is kept in check with just enough hops for balance. Lightish bodied, easy drinking, clean, smooth, but still quite flavorful. I don't drink amber lagers much. Not enough hops for me. But it's a good amber lager, and you can certainly drink it.

Crisp and full-flavored red lager with emphasis on rich layered malts without lots of hop bitterness. 

It's funny what is sometimes considered "lots", no?

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