Monday, July 12, 2021

Three Floyds Cheer Team Double IPA

Three Floyds Cheer Team Double IPA.

7.7 % ABV, 62 IBU. Three Floyds Brewing, Munster, IN. 

Thoroughly clear, bright golden hue, slim white head, looking good. 

In the nose: Starts out with citrus, then tropical notes make a cameo. slight sweetness. 

In the mouth: Small sweetness to start, then a brace of bitterness. It mellows out quickly and becomes nothing but smooth. Orange and mango, grapefruit and melon. Slightly higher than average alcohol starts to emerge and is welcomed. The palate is awash in hoppy delights, and nobody minds when the booze crashes the party. (I could use more than 7.7 %. Less than 8 doesn't feel Imperial enough for me.) 

It's getting juicier now, stickier, danker...good old goodness, and I am digging it. 

The new combination of American hops in this enigmatic IPA is an instant classic. The very fruity and may we say juicy hop character is unrelentingly delicious.

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