Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Tucher Helles Hefe Weizen

Tucher Helles Hefe Weizen. Authentic Bavarian Wheat Beer. Naturally Unfiltered. 

5.2 % ABV. 13 IBU. Tucher Bräu, Subsidiary of Radeberger Gruppe, Fürth, Bayern Germany

Very slightly hazed, mostly clear, bright golden toned, with a smallish white head. 

In the nose: Big time banana, dash of clove on the side. Some citrus, and a heaping helping of bubblegum. 

In the mouth: Slight hop bitterness at first, then malt takes over. Nothing but smooth thereafter. Sweet and wheat-y is the order of the day. Terrifically refreshing and drinable like it ain't nobody's business. 

I have to admit to being somewhat confused by the designation "hellos Hefe Weizen" for I've never seen it before. No, wait, yes, I have, on Andechs Weissbier Hell. Is it merely to differentiate that beer from their Dunkelweisse? Or, does it mean something else? Give me a minute, I'll find out...

A traditional, high fermented Bavarian yeast beer specialty with an accentuated wheat beer flavour and high vitamin B contents. 

Natural yeast cloudiness due to top fermentation. 

A sparkling refreshing and thirstquenching product!

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