Monday, February 19, 2024

Dangerous Man Coffee Stout

 Dangerous Man Coffee Stout.

6% ABV, 35 IBU, Dangerous Man Brewing Company, Maple Lake, Minnesota. 

Dark brown, almost black, nearly opaque, slim tan head. 

In the nose: rich, earthy, bittersweet. A lot of grounds went down in this. Invigorating.

In the mouth: at the start, smooth and tasty just about creamy. Coffee flavor never stops. Medium bodied, rich and rewarding. Little bit of cocoa under the coffee, An absolute dream to drink down.

This was the first packaged DMBC beer from the Maple Lake facility. Everything else before that was something I had before or a sour I wasted interested in. I took too long to drink can #6, but not really, it tastes as good as when it was fresh. However, I’ve built up too large a collection of DMBC beers, while I waited to get to this one. Got to stop procrastinating!

(Research shows that my first can from this 6-pack was consumed in late October. Four months isn’t that bad, but it still is. You may read this and want to try it, but it’s long gone and for that I apologize. Stop procrastinating!)

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