Friday, July 19, 2024

Hammerheart Nordland Smoked Kviek Lager with Spruce Tips

 Hammerheart Nordland Smoked Kviek Lager with Spruce Tips.

Brewed and Canned by Hammerheart Brewing, Ely, MN.

Hammerheart returns..,

It took almost two years for the former Lino Lakes brewery to pack up, move up north and plant new roots. So glad to see them back in business, this here is the first beer I’ve had from this new facility and one of their first two beers released, both of which sold out immediately. Now we have to be patient again and wait for the next new releases.

Clear, bright golden hued, ivory head.

In the nose: malty notes, slight sweetness, kiss of the hops …and along comes some spruce. And just a whiff of smoke.

In the mouth; it’s all coming together. Crisp, clean, light bodied and delicious. Smoking and spruce are subtle. Easy drinking and elegant. I am not normally a lager drinker, but this is quite enjoyable.

A simple, mildly smoked Lutra Kviek pseudo lager using small amounts of Beechwood Smoked Barley and Oak Smoked Wheat with mild hop flavor from Hallertau Blanc and a hint of spruce tips. We brewed this beer as the first at our new facility which we nicknamed Nordland 1.

Thank you to all who have stayed with us through this journey!

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