Friday, May 27, 2011


Anyone know Italian?
Chiostro, bird bionda, amaricata con assenzio, ale chair prodatta artigionalimente non pastorizzatta…more Italian I can't understand…"con levito trappista"…that sounds like it's in a Belgian style. Now in English: "ale brewed with spices., 5% alc./vol" Piccolo Birrificio. Ingredients: barley malt, water, hops, wormwood leaves (huh??)and flowers, Trappist yeast. Are those the spices, you think?
Well, here we go, let's do it to it!

Hazed, golden color, beautiful pure white head of gentle froth, …big carbonation, intensive bubble traffic, rising up to the top.

Slightly sweet and delicately spicy. light and lovely.

Taste: bitterness and spice greet the tongue first, a highly hopped thing in the mouth. Brisk, crisp, flush with citric fruit feel, sweetness that was dries off, spice and hops remain foremost.

Light-bodied and easy-drinking, never-ending hops and spice. Quite a nice Belgian pale ale/tripel. Way to go, Piccolo!

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