Sunday, May 1, 2011

Glazen Toren Jan de Lichte witbier

Belg-a-Rama begins again. I've covered two of them already, St. Bernardus abt 12 and De Dolle Dulle Teve (our first De Dolle keg!). Four to go, including one beer I've never had before. So, let's kick it off with a beer I first had in a bottle back in August of 2006. And here it is, pictured in my hand, fresh off tap, now in 2011. What a world, what a world...

Slightly hazed, bold and gold, under a huge, though crumbling pillow of froth.

Honey and lemon hit the nose first. Zesty, citric, clean, lightly spiced, he says at first, but growing. Sweet, floral, large and lovely.

Lemon is big in the mouth, almost too much so, and the rest of the flavors fall behind it. Body is too wispy and light, easily described as thin. But each new sip and gulp is a treat, despite the overbearing lemon at the front. Spicy kick in there. Nice texture, too. Really plays well on the palate.

Hoppy, spicy finish, body doesn't feel as thin as before...this is a beer that gets better as you drink it. Larger alcohol than a typical wit, but, then , this is a "double."

Drinks down very easy, with sufficient flavor the keep the tongue happy.

Don't know if I can taste the spelt in here...I'm sure I wouldn't know how to, though. All in all, a recommended Belgian wit, one I will purchase again, to share with a friend on a special night.

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