Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Harriet's Pils European-style Pilsner

Harriet's Pils. Growler purchased Saturday afternoon. In a hastily prepared blank, transparent vessel. (They've run out of branded growlers. Must be doing good business!) I recall my disappointment when my first growler was replaced with a white-lettered one. Compare this to the man ahead of me in line who insisted on getting his green lettered growler back. Oh, but these are fleeting matters, people, ephemeral details that mean nothing compared to the beer.

And how about that beer?

Bright golden hue, slim white head. Beautifully clear and inviting.

Aroma, clean, slightly sweet, hoppy. Awfully nice.

Taste: mouth is gripped with hops first up, then it's nothing but sweet malt and crystal clear and clean refreshment. Hops, just slightly bitter, maintain a hold on the palate. I've never crazy on pilasters, never found enough to like in them. Perhaps I find them too one-dimensional, lacking certain elements I find in ales.

This, though, is damned good.

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