Friday, July 15, 2011

New Holland Hopivore

Fresh, Michigan wet-hop ale. I'm drinking this out of season, (came out last October, got a keg in March (?), sat on it until May, re-tapped)but it didn't get raves when it was fresh, either. 6% ABV American pale ale.

Clear, crimson coloring, slim, white head.

Soft aromatics, fruity and mild.

Taste: slight bitterness, nutty, earthy herbal malt flavor. Definitely in a more, English-style pale ale, more balanced, more malt.
Hopivore is a great name for a hoppy ale or a double IPA, but not this one. It's hoppy, all right, but we anticipate a beast, a behemoth, even. This is tasty, a little bitter, but mellow, and easy-drinking.
It's a fine beer, but expectations are very high on beers like this call it Hopivore, it had better be hoppy. Call it a wet hop harvest ale, it had be damned hoppy.
I'm looking at reviews. One guy gives it a D+, calls it a "malt bomb"…that's a bit much.
There's nothing wrong with it, it's just too unimpressive.

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