Friday, November 18, 2016

Dark Horse Coffpa India Pale Ale brewed with Coffee

Dark Horse COFFPA, India Pale Ale brewed with Coffee, from Dark Street Roasting Company, & Dark Horse Brewing Company. Marshall, MI.
6.5% ABV.

Lightly hazed, amber coloring, healthy helping of cream white froth atop.

Aroma: Coffee aromatics hit first, with hops buzzing in next. It's a bit of a clash, and not one that I particularly care for.  Do hops and coffee belong together? Still on the fence.

In the mouth: Coffee bean bittersweet flavor, nutty, earthy, takes command of the palate, and butts heads with the hops. I like the coffee notes in the nose, but not so much on the tongue. Medium-bodied, long coffee-tinged finish. I like coffee in beers whose flavors complement that of the beans, not clash with it. Gonna have to pass on this failed experiment.

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