Saturday, May 22, 2021

Three Floyds Secret Savages Watermelon Sour Ale

Three Floyds Secret Savages American Sour Ale Brewed with Watermelon. 

10.4 % ABV. Three Floyds Brewing, Munster, IN. 

Thoroughly clouded, pale crimson/amber coloring, slim white head. 

In the nose: Powerful fruit, powerful sour. Intensity fresh out of the gate. Sour is King, watermelon on the side, all covered up in funk. 

In the mouth: Ooo, weee! Fierce funk, outsized sour, with fresh fruity flavors coming in fast. Medium bodied, eding on full, at points nearly thick. Watermelon flavor is muddied up by the funk & the sour, but there's nothing wrong with that. It's a beautiful mess, and I'm glad that I tried it. I can't believe that it's delivering on the Imperial side, though. 10.4 %? For a sour? A watermelon sour? Okay,  Floyds, let your freak flag fly. 

Meet the new kid in our wylde and sour ale program, Secret Savages! This tart and fruity ale harnesses the juicy power of watermelons and is conditioned for several months in our collection of wine and spirits barrels. Enjoy with friends and remember - it's not normal!

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