Sunday, May 30, 2021

Finnegan's Brim Reaper Rye India Pale Ale

Finnegan's Brim Reaper Rye India Pale Ale.

You know what no one, and I mean no one, brews anymore? Rye IPAs. So, get them while you can, people, enjoy every last chance you get. 

This one is from a sampler pack that came out months ago, and has been replaced at least twice since. Fair warning so you don't blame me if you can't find it. 

Clear, reddish hue, large and lace-leaving ivory head. Looking good. 

In the nose: Spicy, bread notes kicking it up and mixing it up with grassy hops. 

In the mouth: Rye malt grips the palate from the start. More spicy/breadiness, blended with hop bitterness. I know why people, like me, love a rye IPA, and it's because they're delicious. So much flavor going on here. Malt and hops whipped up into a tasty, satisfying frenzy. Big citrus and pine meets fantastic rye malt flavor. 

Make more beers like this, brewers! Ya hear me? 

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