Thursday, July 4, 2019

Town Hall Golden Grounds

Town Hall Golden Grounds. American Pale Ale, with Coffee.
5.2 % ABV. Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery, Minneapolis, MN.

Clear, bright crimson color, slim white head.

In the nose: sweet and slightly fruity, lightly bitter, and bursting with coffee flavors. Nice.

In the mouth: It's an interesting collision. We don't normally get coffee infusions in pale ales. It was originally the domain of porters and stouts, though in recent years it's been done to lighter beers, like lagers and golden ales. When they do it to IPAs, I'm really skeptical. How does a hoppy beer work with coffee?

It's a bit of a clash, but I like it. Hops are here, and they're mingling with the coffee flavors effectively. They're sharing space next to one another and getting along fine. Medium bodied and highly drinkable. A little bit of bitter meets a touch of sweet, fruity, herbal & nutty. And it's going down fine.

I wouldn't normally choose this over a regular pale ale or IPA, but it's nice to visit once in a while.

Toasty, smooth honey pale ale with custom blended cold-press from Peace Coffee. Rich nougat and coffee character.

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