Friday, July 10, 2020

Falling Knife L-Bombs DDH Hazy DIPA

Falling Knife L-Bombs DDH Hazy DIPA. With Denali, Mosaic and Sabro Hops.
8% ABV. Falling Knife Brewing, Minneapolis, MN.

Clouded (of course), bright golden, large and long-lasting ivory head on top. Looking good.

In the nose: It's a kaleidoscope of aromatics, each hop in the profile expressing something special. Starts off a citrus bomb, then along come berries, the lens shifts again and pineapple pops in. Glorious.

In the mouth: Crisp and lively. Juicy, and bitter, fruity and dank. Just a little bit sweet and creamy.
Alcohol reveals itself rather early in this. I don't mind that, it's fine if you know you're in for it.
Ends on a snappy dry not, until next you left glass to lip.

I know I rag on the hazy stuff a lot, but when they're good, they're good.

DDH Hazy DIPA dripping with tropical flavors from Denali, Citra cryo, Mosaic and Sabro hops

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