Saturday, July 11, 2020

Untitled Art. Rocket Popsicle Sour (Ale)

Untitled Art. Rocket Popsicle Sour (Ale).
Version 2. Berliner Style Weisse Ale with lemon grass, cherry juice, and blueberry juice.
brewed and canned by Untitled Art, Waunakee, WI.
5 % ABV.

On the one hand, I've been trying to stretch out and try some of these hot, new breweries that everyone raves about, despite the prices that scare me off, and that they often make those "non-beer" styles that are so hip and hot and that I hate.

On the other hand, as mentioned above, I really hate $18 4-packs, and I totally despise these non-beer fruity sour styles.

On another hand, that really was just two sides of the same hand. Or the same side of one hand?

I'm confused.

Confused about why I bought this. I'm taking this time to review it with can #2 and then I don't know what I'll do with cans 3 or 4. Mix them with Gatorade, maybe?

Crystal clear, Windex blue, no head at all.

In the nose: Sweet, fruity, artificial. Not a trace of tartness. Darned if it doesn't smell like a popsicle, though. Once more, the infantilization of beer. Making alcoholic the things we enjoyed as children.

In the mouth: Uh-oh, here we go. Fruity. Flimsy. No tartness, no sourness. It looks like the "rocket popsicle" ("bomb pop" to many) and tastes like one, but is only slightly sour. On second sip, that's being generous. I don't know how they had the chutzpah to release this thing.

This thing is so devoid of life, of authenticity, so far from any kind of beer that anyone knows of, it leaves me utterly hollow. There is nothing here, but the gimmick itself, to look blue and taste like a popsicle. I'm not sure who wants that, but I'll trade them those last two cans. For anything.
Any flavor that it starts out with disappears with a quickness.
Looks like mouthwash, taste has none of it's charm.

This is completely bullshit.


I'm considering drain-pouring this.
The more I drink, the sadder I get.

Addendum: I didn't drain-pour, I added orange juice to the remainder, turning it a lovely teal / torquoise color. My soul restored by this hybrid. It tasted like something, at long last.

Addendum the Second: In a corner of the great swamp of the Internet called Untappd, I am once again the grumpy curmudgeon. I gave this one 2/5, but the average rating is 4/5. I am strictly in the minority. Here are some pulls from the peanut gallery:
"Tastes like it's name. Yummy. Is this really beer?" --Don B.
"Very sweet, but absolutely true to what they're trying to achieve"--Jamie S.
Question, if they call it "sour", but it's "very sweet", how is it true to what they're trying to achieve?
"Everything I was hoping for and more, bomb pop in beer form 100!"--Nicole R.
Finally one I agree with: "Tastes too much like Kool-aid and not enough like beer to me"--Ryan.
I like you Ryan, we should have a beer together some time.
Further on, Christopher T, reveals the following: "Super weird, but also super mellow. Makes sense flavor wise now that I know it’s actually a seltzer base."
If this is so, why does the label say Berliner Weisse Ale? That makes it more fucked up.
Daniel S. is confused: "Technically a Berliner I guess? Tastes more like a white claw. I don’t hate it tho"...I do hate it, tho, I'm not ashamed to admit that.

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