Sunday, June 26, 2022

BlackStack Tech Decks IPA

 BlackStack Tech Decks IPA.

7% ABV. BlackStack Brewing, St. Paul, MN.

Clouded, pale yellow color, short but steady layer of milky white foam.

In the nose: sweet tropical notes hit first, pineapple and papaya, a pinch of mango, with citrus on the side.

In the mouth: more sweet hoppiness hits the lips, with a cap of bitterness along for the ride. Light bodied, faint finish, long lasting fruity flavors. Bright and shiny. Not too much fuzz this time, so I’m enjoying it a little. 

Not really sure what the name means and the crap on the back confuses me more: 

Handed down as tradition from those before us. Comfortably familiar portions of finger picked Strata, Citra Cryo, Cashmere, Mosaic & Idaho 7 Cryo. Come shred with us.

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