Friday, July 28, 2017

Dangerous Man Joyless Villain Triple IPA

On the 29th day of June, a Thursday, I stopped into Dangerous Man Brewing for the release of a new beer, a "triple IPA" called Joyless Villain. The name comes from a City Pages article about a vandal who's destroying the work of an anonymous street artist. It seems this unknown creator is installing tiny doors and windows at the bottoms of buildings, as if to allow gnomes or mice inside. Some Joyless Villain, say the CP scribes, began desecrating them. And here was a big, hoppy beer and I was overdue for a visit. Had one at the taproom while hanging with friends, opened a crowler with friends at my birthday party the next day, and held on to a growler until last night, when I wrote the following.

Dangerous Man Joyless Villain IPA. 113 IBU. 11.3% ABV.

Clear-ish, crimson colored, slim, soon-gone head.

In the nose: sweet & fruity from the malt hits first, all the berries, apple, melon, more. Low bitterness, though some hop flavor.

In the mouth: Bam! Big, bold malt flavors, bristling bitterness, creeping alcohol at the onset. Loud, boisterous, almost overbearing. Hot, hot, hot. Plenty malt, tons of hops, but not especially coherent. It's all over the place. Big and boozy becomes the predominant theme.

I like it. I like anything as flavorful as this, but I can't love it. It's too much of a mess.

Their website only says this, on the event page: We're releasing an IIIPA ... this one is so bitter, it'll steal your joy and turn you towards evil. Much like Minneapolis' own Joyless Villain. 

It's still on tap, apparently, but when you look up the beer, you only get the stats.

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