Saturday, December 5, 2020

Sixpoint Mind Control Hazy Double IPA

 Sixpoint Mind Control Globally Hopped Hazy IIPA.

8.8 % ABV, 8 IBU. Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NYC, NY. (And two other locations, apparently.)

Hazy as she goes, bright orange color, slim white head. 

In the nose: vibrant, hoppy, citrus,enticing.

In the mouth:Juicy stuff from the start, with just a touch of hop bitterness. Medium. Bodied, smooth and drinkable, with higher ABV slowly revealing itself. Mostly citrus flavors, a twist of tropical, ending on a dry note. It has everything you want in a hazy DIPA. I’m glad that I gave this one a try. Just delicious.

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in shapes of your own choosing” the voice echoed as the Mas Scientists scoured the globe, compelled by a powerful force in search of wholly new flavors. A globally Hopped journey led them to Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Germany, New Zealand, and Australia to unite these flavors for explosive results. You’re getting thirsty...verrryyy thirrssrryyy. Is it all in your head? It’s time to break the cycle with a beer of global proportions. You’re in control.

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