Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Duvel Tripel Hop Citra

 Duvel Tripel Hop Citra. Belgian IPA. 

9.5% ABV. Duvel-Moortgat.

Clear, bright golden color, small ivory head. (Unusual for a Duvel. Old bottle, maybe?)

In the nose: There it is, that unmistakable Duvel nose, spice and floral notes in full array, with emergent bouquet of citrus hops. 

In the mouth: crisp,,clean, and alive with the spark of Citra. Grassy hop texture on the palate, light bodied, bright citrusy flavors at play. Spice darts about the tongue. Quite refreshing and delicious. Only at the end does the higher ABV make itself known. Yum. 

I can’t help but wonder if a fresher sample might yield even more vital results.

Discover Citra, voted by our fans as the best hop variety for our special Duvel Tripel Hop. Citra enriches the already unique taste of Duvel with fresh notes of grapefruit and tropical fruit.


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