Friday, December 18, 2020

Junkyard Basement Business Willett Bourbon 2020

Junkyard Basement Business Willett Bourbon 2020.

12.1 % ABV. Junkyard Brewing, Moorhead, MN. 

Burgundy hue, mainly opaque, slim beige head. 

In the nose: it's screaming out barley-wine: rich, malty, vinous, other-wordly, unheard-of, all wrapped up in leather, tobacco, molasses, vanilla, cherries. Whoa. So deep and complex. 

In the mouth: Deep, vast, mysterious. Sweet, boozy, delicious. Dark fruits, raisins, dates, caramel, toffee, with the barrel effects swallowing it up with the vanilla, oak, cherries. Full in body and in flavor, with the high ABV roaring in. Rich and luxurious. I'm drinking this to celebrate another day, and nothing more. Why the hell not. 

Oh, I forgot to add: Yum, a dum, dum. 

Bourbon barrel-aged aged barley-wines. Oh, how I love them. 

This beer has cozy aromas of caramel, vanilla, and fig, reminiscent of a bourbon sticky roll. Flavors of fig, dried cherries and burnt sugar lead to a balanced bourbon finish.

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