Monday, August 23, 2021

Stacked Deck West Side Horizons West Coast IPA

Stacked Deck West Side Horizons West Coast IPA.

6.5% ABV, Stacked Deck Brewing, St. Paul, MN.

If there’s a West Coast IPA, I want to drink. If it’s from a brewery that rarely does them, I’m doubly interested. And this one’s been waiting too long In the queue...time to open it up....

Lightly hazed, crimson/amber color, slim, but stable, white color. Entirely the wrong look. 

In the nose: malt sweetness hits first, hops arrive on the side. Perfectly adequate for some kind of an IPA, but not West Coast. 

In the mouth: hops & malt converge in concert. There’s sweet and there’s bitter, fruity notes, and some juiciness. Hoppiness continues to play on the palate, and it lasts long into the finish. 

This is a passable IPA, I guess, but it bears no resemblance to a West Coast IPA in any way. I feel cheated. Taken. Played the fool. It seems like they had no idea what they were supposed to be doing. Can I ever trust Stacked Deck again? 

Simcoe + Amarillo

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